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Gan's Noodle Shop was an easily overlooked hole-in-the-wall nestled amid other such shops in the Lower Ring.[1]


The noodle shop was owned by a pudgy woman named Gan. Due to the fact that few people patronized the restaurant as customers and its unremarkable appearance, Hana, the second-in-command of the Fanged Mercenaries, picked it as the daofei group's hideout. Most of her patrons were daofei seeking to use the closed off back room for secret meetings. When Hana proposed an exclusive deal with Gan, she was more than happy to oblige. Lei Fang and his Fanged Mercenaries operated out of Gan's back room, and the woman kept their cover for them. The Mercenaries had a secret code word they used to get access to the shop, and they performed all their planning and covert business behind Gan's doors. While the group used Wood Frog Lumberyard to hide members, they mainly used Gan's Noodle Shop for official business.[2]

Gan later went down on her luck ever since the Anti-Corruption Task Force started frequenting the Lower Ring. When the task force started rounding people up, suddenly the need for meetings at her noodle shop dropped off, as many of her customers were arrested.[1]


The outside of Gan's Noodle Shop was unremarkable, with a single grimy window cut into the stone facing and a cloth drape in place of a proper door. A heavy stone door covered the restaurant's front.[1]

