Kyriakoula Papademetriou
Scientific object
Kyriakoula Papademetriou is a professor of the New Testament specializing in the New Testament Language, Exegesis, and Hermeneutics and teaches at the School of Social Theology and Christian Culture of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH). She was born in Thessaloniki, where she lives permanently. She studied Classical Philology and Theology at AUTH, where she received her Ph.D. Postgraduate studies at AUTH with a state scholarship from IKY and at the University of Strasbourg with a European Erasmus scholarship.
Her scientific research concerns the study of the New Testament in terms of the text and the diachronic interaction with human culture. She especially studies the New Testament’s language, the language of the Septuagint, and the wider Hellenistic Koine, concerning the exegesis of the biblical texts. Besides, she explores how modern hermeneutical theories can be combined with patristic hermeneutics and update the exegesis of the New Testament.
Research - Teaching
On her initiative, the Biblical Studies Lab of the School of Social Theology and Christian Culture (ex Pastoral and Social Theology) at the AUTH was founded (2016), where she is a Director. She is the founding member and coordinator of the postgraduate seminar «Exegeticum» (since 2006) and the academic responsible for the educational Seminar «Semiotics and Bible» of the same School (since 2015). Academic responsible for the Lifelong Learning Program «The Koine Hellenistic Language of the Bible and its Cultural Dimension» (since 2018). She has organized two international conferences on the apostle Paul, dozens of seminars and workshops, and is the scientific manager of numerous research projects on biblical issues.
Academic responsible for the Inter-University Postgraduate Program «Religious and Pilgrimage Tourism,» which she founded, upon assignment of the School, in cooperation with the School of Business Administration, Marketing and Tourism of the International Hellenic University (IHU) of Thessaloniki.
In the School’s program, she teaches the following courses (per regular academic periods): “Ancient Greek,” «Greek Language of Biblical and Ecclesial Texts,» «Exegesis of the New Testament,» «Hermeneutics of Biblical Texts,» «Grammars and Lexicons of the New Testament,» «Semiotics and Bible,» «Latin Christian Texts,» «Latin translations of the Bible» and «The cultural encyclopedia of the New Testament.»
Administrative work
She has been an Erasmus representative of the School of Pastoral and Social Theology at the AUTH for over five years and an ECTS coordinator of the same School. She has been a member of the Studies Committee since 2012. She was a member of the School’s first Internal Assessment Team (OMEA) and a key member of the School’s new curriculum (2010-14). She is a member of the AUTH Research Committee (since 2014) and academic advisor at the Study and Career Liaison Office (ΔΑΣΤΑ) of the AUTH (since 2013).
She was twice elected Director of the Department of Bible and Patristic Literature of the same School and twice Director of the Inter-University Postgraduate Program «Religious and Pilgrimage Tourism.»
Publications – Scientific recognition
She has authored eight books (four monographs and four thematic volumes). She has published several articles and studies on her scientific object in peer-reviewed publications in Greece and abroad. She has translated and published biblical texts in Modern Greek and scientific works from English and French into Modern Greek. She participated in numerous international scientific conferences in Greece and abroad and participated in international research programs on the Septuagint and the New Testament language. Several reviews and dozens of references in Greek and international academia have recognized her work.
Through the Erasmus program, she taught, upon invitation, at the Theological Schools of Prague, Strasbourg, and Lyon.
She is a member of the Scientific Committee of the international scientific journal Revue Sémiotique et Bible of the Catholic University of Lyon and a Hellenic Semiotic Society member. Member of the Greek Society of Biblical Theologians, the SNTS, the SBL, the EABS, and the IOSCS.
(last updated: June 2023)
Address: [email protected]
Kyriakoula Papademetriou is a professor of the New Testament specializing in the New Testament Language, Exegesis, and Hermeneutics and teaches at the School of Social Theology and Christian Culture of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH). She was born in Thessaloniki, where she lives permanently. She studied Classical Philology and Theology at AUTH, where she received her Ph.D. Postgraduate studies at AUTH with a state scholarship from IKY and at the University of Strasbourg with a European Erasmus scholarship.
Her scientific research concerns the study of the New Testament in terms of the text and the diachronic interaction with human culture. She especially studies the New Testament’s language, the language of the Septuagint, and the wider Hellenistic Koine, concerning the exegesis of the biblical texts. Besides, she explores how modern hermeneutical theories can be combined with patristic hermeneutics and update the exegesis of the New Testament.
Research - Teaching
On her initiative, the Biblical Studies Lab of the School of Social Theology and Christian Culture (ex Pastoral and Social Theology) at the AUTH was founded (2016), where she is a Director. She is the founding member and coordinator of the postgraduate seminar «Exegeticum» (since 2006) and the academic responsible for the educational Seminar «Semiotics and Bible» of the same School (since 2015). Academic responsible for the Lifelong Learning Program «The Koine Hellenistic Language of the Bible and its Cultural Dimension» (since 2018). She has organized two international conferences on the apostle Paul, dozens of seminars and workshops, and is the scientific manager of numerous research projects on biblical issues.
Academic responsible for the Inter-University Postgraduate Program «Religious and Pilgrimage Tourism,» which she founded, upon assignment of the School, in cooperation with the School of Business Administration, Marketing and Tourism of the International Hellenic University (IHU) of Thessaloniki.
In the School’s program, she teaches the following courses (per regular academic periods): “Ancient Greek,” «Greek Language of Biblical and Ecclesial Texts,» «Exegesis of the New Testament,» «Hermeneutics of Biblical Texts,» «Grammars and Lexicons of the New Testament,» «Semiotics and Bible,» «Latin Christian Texts,» «Latin translations of the Bible» and «The cultural encyclopedia of the New Testament.»
Administrative work
She has been an Erasmus representative of the School of Pastoral and Social Theology at the AUTH for over five years and an ECTS coordinator of the same School. She has been a member of the Studies Committee since 2012. She was a member of the School’s first Internal Assessment Team (OMEA) and a key member of the School’s new curriculum (2010-14). She is a member of the AUTH Research Committee (since 2014) and academic advisor at the Study and Career Liaison Office (ΔΑΣΤΑ) of the AUTH (since 2013).
She was twice elected Director of the Department of Bible and Patristic Literature of the same School and twice Director of the Inter-University Postgraduate Program «Religious and Pilgrimage Tourism.»
Publications – Scientific recognition
She has authored eight books (four monographs and four thematic volumes). She has published several articles and studies on her scientific object in peer-reviewed publications in Greece and abroad. She has translated and published biblical texts in Modern Greek and scientific works from English and French into Modern Greek. She participated in numerous international scientific conferences in Greece and abroad and participated in international research programs on the Septuagint and the New Testament language. Several reviews and dozens of references in Greek and international academia have recognized her work.
Through the Erasmus program, she taught, upon invitation, at the Theological Schools of Prague, Strasbourg, and Lyon.
She is a member of the Scientific Committee of the international scientific journal Revue Sémiotique et Bible of the Catholic University of Lyon and a Hellenic Semiotic Society member. Member of the Greek Society of Biblical Theologians, the SNTS, the SBL, the EABS, and the IOSCS.
(last updated: June 2023)
Address: [email protected]
InterestsView All (13)
Videos by Kyriakoula Papademetriou
Academic Responsible: Kyriakoula Papademetriou
Papers by Kyriakoula Papademetriou
In the second part, Photius is examined as a reader and as a productive recipient of classical wisdom following the steps of comparative analysis and reception theory. In other words, the process of taking in classical education on his part, internalizing and processing it, but mainly the process of interpreting and reinterpreting it, with which he achieved the transition from classical to Christian culture, is described.
The study attempts to identify and weigh the contribution of an essential parameter of the nation's liberation struggle, which touches on the two critical points of its identity: religion and language. The sacred letters and their language, i.e., the holy scriptures as texts of education, do not appear in the foreground of the struggle. However, they are hidden in the yeast of the Greek soul that nourished the desire for freedom, and they permeate the mentality that shaped the consciousness of the Genus.
Ακολουθώντας την εξέλιξη της σύμφυτης έννοιας ‘αρετή και αριστεία’ μέσα στην ιστορία των ιδεών της αρχαιότητας παρουσιάζονται οι κύριοι σταθμοί της: στην αρχαϊκή εποχή με τον Όμηρο, στην κλασική εποχή με τον Πλάτωνα και τον Αριστοτέλη, στην ελληνιστική και ρωμαϊκή περίοδο με τους Στωικούς. Ιδιαίτερα αναπτύσσεται η αντίληψη για την αρετή και την αριστεία στα θεμελιακά κείμενα του χριστιανισμού, στην Ελληνική Μετάφραση της Παλαιάς Διαθήκης από τους Εβδομήκοντα και στην Καινή Διαθήκη, τα οποία μεταμορφώνουν το θύραθεν αρεταϊκό περιεχόμενο. Αξιοποιώντας αυτή την κληρονομιά οι Τρεις Ιεράρχες ανακεφαλαιώνουν όλη τη σοφία του αρχαίου κόσμου για την αρετή «εἰς Χριστὸν καὶ εἰς τὴν ἐκκλησίαν» (Εφ. 5:32). Κατανοώντας ότι η ουσία της αρετής είναι η ολοκλήρωση του ανθρώπου, έθεσαν ως κριτήριο της αρετής την ομοίωση με τον Θεό κατά χάριν και όρισαν ως μέσο αυτής της ολοκλήρωσης την αριστεία της αρετής, που προϋποθέτει αγώνα πνευματικό μέσα στον στίβο του πληρώματος της εκκλησίας και χάριν αυτού.
Με την παρέμβαση των φωτισμένων Τριών Διδασκάλων, όταν χάθηκαν πλέον τα κοινωνικοπολιτικά συμφραζόμενα της αρχαιοελληνικής πόλης, οι σημαντικές αρεταλογικές αντιλήψεις των αρχαίων φιλοσόφων επιβίωσαν, επενδύοντας με τη στέρεη λογική δύναμή τους τις φιλάνθρωπες κοινωνικές αρχές του χριστιανικού πολιτισμού. Εκείνο που προβάλλεται πλέον στον καινούργιο κόσμο είναι κάτι πολύ περισσότερο από το να κατέχουμε την αρετή της αριστείας, από το να επιδιώκουμε, δηλαδή, να είμαστε άριστοι στο είδος μας. Καλούμαστε στην αριστεία της αρετής, στο να αγωνιζόμαστε, δηλαδή, να γίνουμε άριστοι στην καθολική εκείνη αρετή (εἴ τις ἀρετὴ, κατά το Φιλ. 4, 8), την οποία καθορίζει η εν Χριστώ αγάπη και η οποία συμβάλλει στην αναβάθμιση του συνόλου της κοινωνίας, στη βελτίωση των πολλών μέσω του γενναίου παραδείγματος, και στην καταξίωση του συλλογικού έργου που καλλιεργεί την αριστεία του καθενός.
The paper provides a concise but comprehensive critical presentation of the history of research on the person and work of the apostle Paul. Three main schools of hermeneutic perspective on Paul are distinguished: the Old Perspective, the New Perspective, and the Radical Beyond the New Perspective. In the first part, the historical person of the apostle Paul is outlined based on the internal testimonies about him from the New Testament and external relevant information. The second part deals with the efforts of scholars to understand the work and preaching of the apostle of the nations through the new approaches that have been realized by biblical research from the 19th century to the present day. As a precise answer to the question of the perspective with which we must understand the historical activity of Paul, the event of the epiphany experienced by the apostle on the road to Damascus is studied, which is considered a catalyst for the formation of his personality. The work concludes with the suggestion that the perspective with which we should view the action of the apostle should not be partial but inclusive and universal. The major vision of the apostle was not one more religion against the Jewish and other national religions, but a universal Church, which is not based on the ethnocentrism of Jews or Gentiles nor the individuality of pietists or moralists, but it is one single community united in one body, the body of Christ.
There is a reference to the actions developed in the Department of Social Theology and Christian Culture of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH) based on the utilization of semiotic theory in the interpretation of biblical texts, which are mainly the following two:
1) The educational seminar "Semiotics and the Bible," which develops issues of applying the semiotic theory to the texts of the Bible, with the aim of its interpretative understanding with modern ways of approaching its meaning. The Biblical Studies Laboratory of the Department of Social Theology and Christian Culture AUTH organizes the seminar. It is conducted in collaboration with the Center for the Analysis of Religious Discourse (C.A.D.I.R.) of the Catholic University of Lyon and with the Semiotics Laboratory SemioLab of the Faculty of Philosophy of AUTH. And
2) The summer elective course "Semiotics and the Bible" is included in the undergraduate curriculum of the Department of Social Theology and Christian Culture of AUTH and considers the semiotic analysis of biblical texts, defining the epistemological frameworks within which it can be conducted.
The study focuses on one of the characteristics of the writings of Pachomios Rousanos, which highlights his literary quality and classifies him in the category of ancient philologists, the so-called grammarians. His linguistic remarks, which often occur in his works, reflect the first grammarians' and philologists' remarks of the Graeco-Roman period, such as Phrynichos and Moiris. They wrote grammar textbooks correcting the new words and syntax of the Koine Hellenistic language of their time. Pachomios Rousanos, facing the Colloquial Greek language of his time, i.e., the 16th century, adopts a similar rejectionist attitude. His collation with the ancient Grammars reveals to the researcher additional reasons for justifying his linguistic choices. It argues that these were not linguistic but mainly ideological and theological reasons, which were associated with the identity of the Greek race.
Traduction grecque: "Είναι σημαντικό να ανοίξουμε τις στήλες του Sémiotique & Bible και σε άλλες ερμηνευτικές συλλογιστικές, όπως αυτή της Κυριακούλας Παπαδημητρίου, Καθηγήτριας Σημειωτικής στην Ελλάδα, που δείχνει πώς η προσέγγιση του Austin, η οποία άνοιξε η ίδια νέους ερμηνευτικούς ορίζοντες, αναπτύσσοντας την προσέγγιση της επιτελεστικής διάστασης της γλώσσας, δεν έκανε κάτι άλλο παρά να αποκαλύψει αυτό με το οποίο οι Πατέρες της Εκκλησίας, ιδίως ο Άγιος Ιωάννης Χρυσόστομος, είχαν ήδη θρέψει την ερμηνευτική τους. Το άρθρο της Κυριακούλας Παπαδημητρίου μας προσφέρει, εξάλλου, την ευκαιρία να θεσουμε ένα συναρπαστικό θεωρητικό ερώτημα: ποιες ομοιότητες και ποιες διαφορές θα υπήρχαν μεταξύ των επιτελεστικών πράξεων του λόγου του Austin και της εκφώνησης, όπως κατανοείται στη διατριβή του Olivier Robin ή, ευρύτερα, στα έργα του C.A.DI.R.; Ή το ερώτημα: κι αν η πατερική ερμηνευτική περικρύβει κι άλλα πλούτη, για τα οποία οι 20ός και 21ος αιώνες δεν έχουν ακόμη παρουσιάσει μία θεωρία;"
absorbs their meaning and usage; 3) the further development of the word in Jewish Hellenistic writings, in the New Testament and in early Christian literature.
The investigation of the subject "The Worship of Jesus Christ as Lord according to Paul's writings" raises at least two questions of research: what do we mean by worship and what is its content in Paul's literature? It should be noted that since the texts of the apostle Paul are chronologically the first texts of the New Testament, it is imperative for the researcher who wants to deal with the issue of Christian worship to begin his study specifically from them. What the study shows is that worship of Jesus is based on his resurrection and ascension to heaven.
This volume precedes the projected Historical and Theological Dictionary of the Septuagint which is to o8er historical studies of Septuagint words, retracing their usage from early authors, over koine Greek and the translation itself, into Jewish-Hellenistic and early Christian literature. The earliest of these phases were the object of a several workshops held between 2013 and 2017, the proceedings of which now appear in this book. The papers focus on the following key questions: what can we say about the meaning, the usage and the semantic development of Greek words attested in the Septuagint; where and how does the Septuagint use these words, and to what extent do they correspond to their Hebrew and Aramaic equivalents? Furthermore, to what extent can papyri contribute to a better understanding of typical Septuagintwords? The papers combine the analysis of selected words and word groups with considerations of method.
Contributors are: Leon van den Broeke, Jan Krans, Silvia Castelli, Bert Jan Lietaert Peerbolte, Manfred Lang, Bastian Lemitz, Nils Neumann, Kyriakoula Papademetriou, Dirk Jan Schoon, and Peter-Ben Smit.
Academic Responsible: Kyriakoula Papademetriou
In the second part, Photius is examined as a reader and as a productive recipient of classical wisdom following the steps of comparative analysis and reception theory. In other words, the process of taking in classical education on his part, internalizing and processing it, but mainly the process of interpreting and reinterpreting it, with which he achieved the transition from classical to Christian culture, is described.
The study attempts to identify and weigh the contribution of an essential parameter of the nation's liberation struggle, which touches on the two critical points of its identity: religion and language. The sacred letters and their language, i.e., the holy scriptures as texts of education, do not appear in the foreground of the struggle. However, they are hidden in the yeast of the Greek soul that nourished the desire for freedom, and they permeate the mentality that shaped the consciousness of the Genus.
Ακολουθώντας την εξέλιξη της σύμφυτης έννοιας ‘αρετή και αριστεία’ μέσα στην ιστορία των ιδεών της αρχαιότητας παρουσιάζονται οι κύριοι σταθμοί της: στην αρχαϊκή εποχή με τον Όμηρο, στην κλασική εποχή με τον Πλάτωνα και τον Αριστοτέλη, στην ελληνιστική και ρωμαϊκή περίοδο με τους Στωικούς. Ιδιαίτερα αναπτύσσεται η αντίληψη για την αρετή και την αριστεία στα θεμελιακά κείμενα του χριστιανισμού, στην Ελληνική Μετάφραση της Παλαιάς Διαθήκης από τους Εβδομήκοντα και στην Καινή Διαθήκη, τα οποία μεταμορφώνουν το θύραθεν αρεταϊκό περιεχόμενο. Αξιοποιώντας αυτή την κληρονομιά οι Τρεις Ιεράρχες ανακεφαλαιώνουν όλη τη σοφία του αρχαίου κόσμου για την αρετή «εἰς Χριστὸν καὶ εἰς τὴν ἐκκλησίαν» (Εφ. 5:32). Κατανοώντας ότι η ουσία της αρετής είναι η ολοκλήρωση του ανθρώπου, έθεσαν ως κριτήριο της αρετής την ομοίωση με τον Θεό κατά χάριν και όρισαν ως μέσο αυτής της ολοκλήρωσης την αριστεία της αρετής, που προϋποθέτει αγώνα πνευματικό μέσα στον στίβο του πληρώματος της εκκλησίας και χάριν αυτού.
Με την παρέμβαση των φωτισμένων Τριών Διδασκάλων, όταν χάθηκαν πλέον τα κοινωνικοπολιτικά συμφραζόμενα της αρχαιοελληνικής πόλης, οι σημαντικές αρεταλογικές αντιλήψεις των αρχαίων φιλοσόφων επιβίωσαν, επενδύοντας με τη στέρεη λογική δύναμή τους τις φιλάνθρωπες κοινωνικές αρχές του χριστιανικού πολιτισμού. Εκείνο που προβάλλεται πλέον στον καινούργιο κόσμο είναι κάτι πολύ περισσότερο από το να κατέχουμε την αρετή της αριστείας, από το να επιδιώκουμε, δηλαδή, να είμαστε άριστοι στο είδος μας. Καλούμαστε στην αριστεία της αρετής, στο να αγωνιζόμαστε, δηλαδή, να γίνουμε άριστοι στην καθολική εκείνη αρετή (εἴ τις ἀρετὴ, κατά το Φιλ. 4, 8), την οποία καθορίζει η εν Χριστώ αγάπη και η οποία συμβάλλει στην αναβάθμιση του συνόλου της κοινωνίας, στη βελτίωση των πολλών μέσω του γενναίου παραδείγματος, και στην καταξίωση του συλλογικού έργου που καλλιεργεί την αριστεία του καθενός.
The paper provides a concise but comprehensive critical presentation of the history of research on the person and work of the apostle Paul. Three main schools of hermeneutic perspective on Paul are distinguished: the Old Perspective, the New Perspective, and the Radical Beyond the New Perspective. In the first part, the historical person of the apostle Paul is outlined based on the internal testimonies about him from the New Testament and external relevant information. The second part deals with the efforts of scholars to understand the work and preaching of the apostle of the nations through the new approaches that have been realized by biblical research from the 19th century to the present day. As a precise answer to the question of the perspective with which we must understand the historical activity of Paul, the event of the epiphany experienced by the apostle on the road to Damascus is studied, which is considered a catalyst for the formation of his personality. The work concludes with the suggestion that the perspective with which we should view the action of the apostle should not be partial but inclusive and universal. The major vision of the apostle was not one more religion against the Jewish and other national religions, but a universal Church, which is not based on the ethnocentrism of Jews or Gentiles nor the individuality of pietists or moralists, but it is one single community united in one body, the body of Christ.
There is a reference to the actions developed in the Department of Social Theology and Christian Culture of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH) based on the utilization of semiotic theory in the interpretation of biblical texts, which are mainly the following two:
1) The educational seminar "Semiotics and the Bible," which develops issues of applying the semiotic theory to the texts of the Bible, with the aim of its interpretative understanding with modern ways of approaching its meaning. The Biblical Studies Laboratory of the Department of Social Theology and Christian Culture AUTH organizes the seminar. It is conducted in collaboration with the Center for the Analysis of Religious Discourse (C.A.D.I.R.) of the Catholic University of Lyon and with the Semiotics Laboratory SemioLab of the Faculty of Philosophy of AUTH. And
2) The summer elective course "Semiotics and the Bible" is included in the undergraduate curriculum of the Department of Social Theology and Christian Culture of AUTH and considers the semiotic analysis of biblical texts, defining the epistemological frameworks within which it can be conducted.
The study focuses on one of the characteristics of the writings of Pachomios Rousanos, which highlights his literary quality and classifies him in the category of ancient philologists, the so-called grammarians. His linguistic remarks, which often occur in his works, reflect the first grammarians' and philologists' remarks of the Graeco-Roman period, such as Phrynichos and Moiris. They wrote grammar textbooks correcting the new words and syntax of the Koine Hellenistic language of their time. Pachomios Rousanos, facing the Colloquial Greek language of his time, i.e., the 16th century, adopts a similar rejectionist attitude. His collation with the ancient Grammars reveals to the researcher additional reasons for justifying his linguistic choices. It argues that these were not linguistic but mainly ideological and theological reasons, which were associated with the identity of the Greek race.
Traduction grecque: "Είναι σημαντικό να ανοίξουμε τις στήλες του Sémiotique & Bible και σε άλλες ερμηνευτικές συλλογιστικές, όπως αυτή της Κυριακούλας Παπαδημητρίου, Καθηγήτριας Σημειωτικής στην Ελλάδα, που δείχνει πώς η προσέγγιση του Austin, η οποία άνοιξε η ίδια νέους ερμηνευτικούς ορίζοντες, αναπτύσσοντας την προσέγγιση της επιτελεστικής διάστασης της γλώσσας, δεν έκανε κάτι άλλο παρά να αποκαλύψει αυτό με το οποίο οι Πατέρες της Εκκλησίας, ιδίως ο Άγιος Ιωάννης Χρυσόστομος, είχαν ήδη θρέψει την ερμηνευτική τους. Το άρθρο της Κυριακούλας Παπαδημητρίου μας προσφέρει, εξάλλου, την ευκαιρία να θεσουμε ένα συναρπαστικό θεωρητικό ερώτημα: ποιες ομοιότητες και ποιες διαφορές θα υπήρχαν μεταξύ των επιτελεστικών πράξεων του λόγου του Austin και της εκφώνησης, όπως κατανοείται στη διατριβή του Olivier Robin ή, ευρύτερα, στα έργα του C.A.DI.R.; Ή το ερώτημα: κι αν η πατερική ερμηνευτική περικρύβει κι άλλα πλούτη, για τα οποία οι 20ός και 21ος αιώνες δεν έχουν ακόμη παρουσιάσει μία θεωρία;"
absorbs their meaning and usage; 3) the further development of the word in Jewish Hellenistic writings, in the New Testament and in early Christian literature.
The investigation of the subject "The Worship of Jesus Christ as Lord according to Paul's writings" raises at least two questions of research: what do we mean by worship and what is its content in Paul's literature? It should be noted that since the texts of the apostle Paul are chronologically the first texts of the New Testament, it is imperative for the researcher who wants to deal with the issue of Christian worship to begin his study specifically from them. What the study shows is that worship of Jesus is based on his resurrection and ascension to heaven.
This volume precedes the projected Historical and Theological Dictionary of the Septuagint which is to o8er historical studies of Septuagint words, retracing their usage from early authors, over koine Greek and the translation itself, into Jewish-Hellenistic and early Christian literature. The earliest of these phases were the object of a several workshops held between 2013 and 2017, the proceedings of which now appear in this book. The papers focus on the following key questions: what can we say about the meaning, the usage and the semantic development of Greek words attested in the Septuagint; where and how does the Septuagint use these words, and to what extent do they correspond to their Hebrew and Aramaic equivalents? Furthermore, to what extent can papyri contribute to a better understanding of typical Septuagintwords? The papers combine the analysis of selected words and word groups with considerations of method.
Contributors are: Leon van den Broeke, Jan Krans, Silvia Castelli, Bert Jan Lietaert Peerbolte, Manfred Lang, Bastian Lemitz, Nils Neumann, Kyriakoula Papademetriou, Dirk Jan Schoon, and Peter-Ben Smit.
Since the word ἐκκλησία in the Septuagint text is not exclusively used for religious matters, but also for secular meetings , like the preparation of a war or plans to avoid a danger, since it was convened in regular intervals, it was assembled in an official manner, it served for the expression of political identity of the people of Israel, there is no strong rationale not to be designated as an institutional body, which could have been successfully aligned with the contemporary technical Greek term denoting the civic assembly.
By approaching the Epistle to the Galatians in ways that we have chosen from the field of Sociolinguistics, and in particular from Systemic Functional Grammar, which is best suited to the analysis of texts, we worked to represent vividly the field of the events and interpersonal relationships that take place in the lines of its text. Paul and the Galatians, the Agitators and the Law made life alive and developed their arguments separately and interactively among themselves in their own sections. Their most important words, as acknowledged in the Epistle, were grammatically and lexically studied, and revealed the new meanings they formed, as well as the sociolinguistic process through which they formed. The most crucial factor in this process emerged the experience of spiritual life, which is experienced in mystery and manifested in worship as the participation of faith in the body of Christ and as the act of love in the community.
With a spirit inspired and skillful, the apostle Paul creates new meanings from the old and gives voice and expression to the novel and superlative experiences. The Mosaic law becomes the law of Christ, freedom is the slavery of love, death in the flesh means life in Spirit, a new way is indicated in the hermeneutical reading of the Old Testament, and a new understanding is drawn about the goods that have been promised. In the Galatians, the characteristics of the new people of God are clearly defined, and his new language is determined.
Pauline texts testify to an adequate language as well as, in general, educational equipment of their author and excellent ability to handle the specific vocabularies of the time. On the basis of these and from these, Paul's vocabularies of the New Testament teaching are created, expressing in a unique way Pauline theological conception and perception of the evangelical message, and then becoming vocabularies of all Christianity. The search for the apostle Paul's vocabularies concludes with the following findings.
(a) The contribution of human sciences, namely, History, Philology, General Linguistics, Sociology, to their contemporary form, prove to be valuable for examining Pauline linguistic material and for further understanding of the Pauline texts.
b) Pauline speech uses the language of the time entirely with skill and immediacy to make it an excellent tool for preaching and communicating with his listeners.
c) Using the vocabularies of the time, the Pauline texts develop a lexical strategy, it could be said, in which the author handles the terms in a way that degrades them and at the same time builds new meanings with their material, which he highlights as the true against the old falsehoods. This strategy is basically analyzed as follows:
The words-terms, at first glance, refer to the known sense and the usual references. Contextually, however, it is understood that the author only holds the name and evaluates, disapproves or rejects their content, their familiar meaning. With the catalytic engagement of a new, as to the knowledge and the morals of that time, factor, that is the historical intervention of Jesus Christ in the world, the empty words are now being loaded with new content and acquire new meaning, becoming new. This engagement is also linguistic, through the reference to Christ’s name, and pragmatic, through an indication of the eucharistic life of the ecclesiastical community which his life and work created. New content usually appears to be contradictory or even subversive to the old, but it claims its validity with competent arguments which draw their strength from the person and the name of Christ.
The study examines Pauline vocabulary of otherness, peace, excellence, economy, health, wisdom, perfection and worship.
With the fundamental interest in our scientific research, the exploitation of the resources of the sciences of Literature and, especially, of Language, for the study of the Greek biblical word, especially of the New Testament, we have many times found that the ecclesiastical Fathers and exegetes of the Bible have been advanced and have anticipated this task very successfully. In their works, exegetical or not, they wisely and artfully apply the literary nd philological knowledge to the interpretation of the sacred text following the principles and the rules of the ancient philosophy of the language selectively.
The chapters of the book present specific examples of patristic interpretations which resemble methods of analysis of texts which have been developed in the philological field by the Theory of Literature, respectively in the theological field by the Hermeneutics of the biblical texts. A general chapter is preceded, which presents the history of Hermeneutics, its origins and its forms of development within the science of Theology.
There are five chapters, each of which explores and depicts the way of a modern hermeneutical approach as it appears to have applied it in advance
and pro-theoritically - if we may say - by inspired Fathers of the Church. The theory of speech acts, the redaction analysis, the existentialist interpretation, the analysis based on the intention of the interpreter, the exegesis based on the Comparative literature and the Cultural analysis is described with the principles of their theory, and are compared with the practical application of their use respectively by John Chrysostomos, Neophytos the Enclosed, Gregory Palamas, Nicodemos the Hagiorit, and other Church writers, centuries before of the introduction of their literary theory.
Finally, there is an example of the traditional patristic exegesis. Thirty Greek exegetes, from Origen to Filotheos Kokkinos, present their interpretation in the last chapter of the Gospel according to John, covering in an excellent philological analysis - alongside the other analysis of their times - many presentations that were later recovered.
The chapters included in this book are offered as representative examples of the kind of Hermeneutics, in which the patristic thought of the ecclesiastical tradition is coupled with the theoretical analysis of the modern approach of the texts, but also as a contribution to a field of research that has not explicitly been used by biblical scholars. We are of the opinion that such work demonstrates the diachronic dynamics of the patristic interpretation and, on the other hand, revives and fertilizes biblical studies as they bring into dialogue the theology of the past and the present, of the tradition and the demands of the modern human being.
The Program is operated with the educational method of face-to-face and distance teaching, draws on innovative material (ancient sources and contemporary texts, lexical and cultural data, new hermeneutical approaches) and utilizes modern means of information technology and education. The Program focuses on the study of the Greek language of the Bible by examining the texts linguistically, culturally and theologically. In parallel, it studies the Koine Hellenistic language in which the biblical text has been written and which is an essential link in the continuity of the Greek language until today.
The teachers are biblical Professors of the School of Pastoral and Social Theology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, as well as philologists and linguists Professors of the School of Philology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the School of Greek Philology of the Democritus University of Thrace.
Academically responsible: Kyriakoula Papademetriou, professor of New Testament Language, Exegesis and Hermeneutics.
See and
The teachers are biblical Professors of the School of Pastoral and Social Theology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, as well as linguists Professors of the School of Philology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the School of Greek Philology of the Democritus University of Thrace.
Academically responsible: Kyriakoula Papademetriou, professor of New Testament Language, Exegesis and Hermeneutics.
speech. And she attempts an impressive exit out of the hermeneutic comfort zone offered by the sterile knowledge of her tradition to enter the zone of hermeneutic maturity characterized by the discovery of a new purpose of existence. And so she receives the gift of the revelation of that
that centuries and generations have been waiting for. She came to get water and offered willingness. And leaving her hydria, she leaves with life everlasting.
How does one reach such an absolute conclusion? How to explain such a statement; What kind of interpretive skills are necessary to understand it? The texts speak to us for their structure. They organize a route and call the reader to follow it. Like the escape lines of a table define its perspective, the route of the enunciation leads the reader through the plot, to where the text "wishes." Every turn and a new scene ......; and the meaning arises from the difference. With the tools of the Enunciation Semiotics, we will work this year on the text with the meetings and dialogues of Jesus around the fountain of Jacob. How do the interlocutors listen to talk? How do they speak to be heard? How to drink from the living water?
Why this way? What is the challenge? What is it talking about? How does it speak? The Seminar, which will be conducted in the form of workshops, will address the parabolic evangelical narration questions. With the help of semiotic theory and methodology, we will decode the way meaning is produced in these texts.
To discover how we move from admitting failure to accepting success.
Special guest: Jenny Ponzo, Professor of Semiotics, University of Torino
Title of her lecture: «The offer of life as a new way of holiness in the 21st century”.
The Biblical Studies Lab of the School of Pastoral and Social Theology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, organizes the 7th Seminar “Semiotics and Bible”, in which issues on the application of the semiotic theory to biblical texts analysis are considered. The seminar is held in collaboration with the Laboratory of Semiotics of the Faculty of Philosophy (SemioLab), AUTH, and with the Centre pour l’ Analyse du Discours Religieux (CADIR), Catholic University of Lyon.
Academic responsible: Kyriakoula Papademetriou, Professor of New Testament Language, Exegesis and Hermeneutics – Director of the Biblical Studies Lab, AUTH.
Συμβολικός και παραβολικός λόγος. Ένας ιδιαίτερος τρόπος να λεχθούν εκείνα που δεν λέγονται. Η τέχνη του να αφήνεται ο ακροατής μπροστά στο άγνωστο με την ελπίδα και την επιθυμία να ψάξει βαθύτερα το μυστήριο που κρύβεται αποκαλυπτόμενο ή αποκαλύπτεται κρυπτόμενο διαρκώς.
Γιατί αυτός ο τρόπος; Ποιά η πρόκληση; Για τί μιλάει; Πώς μιλάει; Το σεμινάριο, που θα διεξαχθεί με τη μορφή workshop, θα εξετάσει τα ερωτήματα που αφορούν στην παραβολική ευαγγελική αφήγηση. Με τη βοήθεια της σημειωτικής θεωρίας και μεθοδολογίας, θα αποκωδικοποιήσουμε τον τρόπο που παράγεται το νόημα στα κείμενα αυτά.
Για να ανακαλύψουμε πώς από την παραδοχή της αποτυχίας περνάμε στην επιτυχία της αποδοχής.
Ειδική καλεσμένη: Jenny Ponzo, αναπλ. καθηγήτρια Σημειωτικής στο Πανεπιστήμιο του Τορίνο, με θέμα: "Η προσφορά της ζωής ως νέος δρόμος αγιότητος στον 21ο αιώνα".
Το Εργαστήριο Βιβλικών Σπουδών (Biblical Studies Lab) του Τμήματος Κοινωνικής Θεολογίας και Χριστιανικού Πολιτισμού Α.Π.Θ. διοργανώνει το 7ο Σεμινάριο «Σημειωτική και Βίβλος», το οποίο αναπτύσσει θέματα εφαρμογής της σημειωτικής θεωρίας σε κείμενα της Βίβλου, με σκοπό την ερμηνευτική της κατανόηση με σύγχρονους τρόπους προσέγγισης του νοήματός της. Το σεμινάριο γίνεται σε συνεργασία με το Εργαστήριο Σημειωτικής (SemioLab) της Φιλοσοφικής Σχολής Α.Π.Θ. και με το Κέντρο Ανάλυσης Θρησκευτικού Λόγου (CADIR) της Θεολογικής Σχολής του Καθολικού Πανεπιστημίου της Λυών.
Επιστημονική υπεύθυνη: Κυριακούλα Παπαδημητρίου, Καθηγήτρια, Διευθύντρια Εργαστηρίου Βιβλικών Σπουδών Α.Π.Θ.
Special guests: Karin Boklund-Lagopoulos, emeritus professor of AUTH, and Alexandros-Faedonas Lagopoulos, emeritus professor of AUTH and corresponding member of the Academy of Athens. Title of their lecture:
"Semiotic Narrative: An Analysis of the 'Lord of the Rings'
by the method of A.-J. Greimas".
The Seminar is operated by the Biblical Studies Lab of the School of Pastoral and Social Theology in AUTH in cooperation with the Semiotics Lab of the Faculty of Philosophy in AUTH and with the Centre pour l' Analyse du Discours Religieux of the Catholic University in Lyon.
The Biblical Studies Lab of the School of Pastoral and Social Theology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, organizes the 5th Seminar “Semiotics and Bible”, in which issues on the application of the semiotic theory to biblical texts analysis are considered. The seminar is held in collaboration with the Laboratory of Semiotics of the Faculty of Philosophy (SemioLab), AUTH, and with the Centre pour l’ Analyse du Discours Religieux (CADIR), Catholic University of Lyon.
Academic responsible: Kyriakoula Papademetriou, Professor of New Testament Language, Exegesis and Hermeneutics – Director of the Biblical Studies Lab, AUTH.
The Seminar is operated by the Biblical Studies Lab of the School of Pastoral and Social Theology in AUTH in cooperation with the Semiotics Lab of the Faculty of Philosophy in AUTH and with the Centre pour l' Analyse du Discours Religieux of the Catholic University in Lyon.
The Biblical Studies Lab of the School of Pastoral and Social Theology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, organizes the 5th Seminar “Semiotics and Bible”, in which issues on the application of the semiotic theory to biblical texts analysis are considered. The seminar is held in collaboration with the Laboratory of Semiotics of the Faculty of Philosophy (SemioLab), AUTH, and with the Centre pour l’ Analyse du Discours Religieux (CADIR), Catholic University of Lyon.
Academic responsible: Kyriakoula Papademetriou, Professor of New Testament Language, Exegesis and Hermeneutics – Director of the Biblical Studies Lab, AUTH.
The Biblical Studies Lab of the School of Pastoral and Social Theology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, organizes the 4th Seminar “Semiotics and Bible”, in which issues on the application of the semiotic theory to biblical texts analysis are considered. The seminar is held in collaboration with the Laboratory of Semiotics of the Faculty of Philosophy, AUTH, and with the Centre pour l’ Analyse du Discours Religieux (CADIR), Catholic University of Lyon.
The courses of the seminar are taught by the PhD candidate at School of Pastoral and Social Theology, AUTH, rev. George Vassilakis, Researcher in the CADIR, Lyon. A special lecture will be delivered by Lia Yoka, assoc. Professor of the History and Theory of modern Art and Culture at the School of Architecture, AUTH, under the theme: “Semiotic interpretations in the History of the Art”.
Scientific responsible: Kyriakoula Papademetriou, assoc. Professor of New Testament Language, Exegesis and Hermeneutics – Director of the Biblical Studies Lab, AUTH ([email protected]). //
Το Εργαστήριο Βιβλικών Σπουδών (Biblical Studies Lab) του Τμήματος Ποιμαντικής και Κοινωνικής Θεολογίας Α.Π.Θ. διοργανώνει το 4ο Σεμινάριο «Σημειωτική και Βίβλος», το οποίο αναπτύσσει θέματα εφαρμογής της σημειωτικής θεωρίας σε κείμενα της Βίβλου, με σκοπό την ερμηνευτική της κατανόηση με σύγχρονους τρόπους προσέγγισης του νοήματός της. Το σεμινάριο γίνεται σε συνεργασία με το Εργαστήριο Σημειωτικής (SemioLab) της Φιλοσοφικής Σχολής Α.Π.Θ. και με το Κέντρο Ανάλυσης Θρησκευτικού Λόγου (CADIR) της Θεολογικής Σχολής του Καθολικού Πανεπιστημίου της Λυών.
Οι ημερομηνίες διεξαγωγής είναι 12-13-14-15-16 Φεβρουαρίου 2018 στη Θεολογική Σχολή Θεσσαλονίκης και θα διδάξει ο π. Γεώργιος Βασιλάκης, υποψήφιος διδάκτορας στη Σημειωτική Ανάλυση της Αγίας Γραφής του Τμήματος Ποιμαντικής και Κοινωνικής Θεολογίας του Α.Π.Θ. και ερευνητής του Κέντρου Ανάλυσης Θρησκευτικού Λόγου (CADIR) του Καθολικού Πανεπιστημίου της Λυών. Ειδική εισήγηση θα γίνει από την αναπληρώτρια καθηγήτρια του Τμήματος Αρχιτεκτόνων του Α.Π.Θ. κ. Λία Γυιόκα, με θέμα: «Σημειωτικές ερμηνείες στην Ιστορία της Τέχνης».
Επιστημονική υπεύθυνη: Κυριακούλα Παπαδημητρίου, αναπλ. Καθηγήτρια, Διευθύντρια Εργαστηρίου Βιβλικών Σπουδών Τμ. Ποιμαντικής και Κοινωνικής Θεολογίας Α.Π.Θ. ([email protected])
Το Εργαστήριο Βιβλικών Σπουδών (Biblical Studies Lab) του Τμήματος Ποιμαντικής και Κοινωνικής Θεολογίας Α.Π.Θ. διοργανώνει το 3ο Σεμινάριο «Σημειωτική και Βίβλος», το οποίο αναπτύσσει θέματα εφαρμογής της σημειωτικής θεωρίας σε κείμενα της Βίβλου, με σκοπό την ερμηνευτική της κατανόηση με σύγχρονους τρόπους προσέγγισης του νοήματός της. Το σεμινάριο γίνεται σε συνεργασία με το Εργαστήριο Σημειωτικής (SemioLab) της Φιλοσοφικής Σχολής Α.Π.Θ. και με το Κέντρο Ανάλυσης Θρησκευτικού Λόγου (CADIR) της Θεολογικής Σχολής του Καθολικού Πανεπιστημίου της Λυών.
Οι ημερομηνίες διεξαγωγής είναι 24-25-26-27-28 Απριλίου 2017 στη Θεολογική Σχολή Θεσσαλονίκης και θα διδάξει ο π. Γεώργιος Βασιλάκης, υποψήφιος διδάκτορας στη Σημειωτική Ανάλυση της Αγίας Γραφής του Université Catholique de Lyon και διδάσκων στη Θεολογική Σχολή του ίδιου Πανεπιστημίου. Ειδικός προσκεκλημένος του φετινού σεμιναρίου είναι ο αναπληρωτής καθηγητής της Φιλοσοφικής Σχολής του Α.Π.Θ. κ. Ευάγγελος Κουρδής, ειδικός σε θέματα της Σημειωτικής, ο οποίος θα παρουσιάσει σχετική εισήγηση.
Για το πρόγραμμα βλ.
Η είσοδος είναι ελεύθερη σε κάθε ακαδημαϊκά ενδιαφερόμενο. Στους συμμετέχοντες θα δοθεί Βεβαίωση παρακολούθησης του Σεμιναρίου.
Βλ. Ομάδα Σεμιναρίου στο facebook:
και ανακοίνωση στην ιστοσελίδα της Ελληνικής Σημειωτικής Εταιρείας:
Επιστημονική υπεύθυνη: Κυριακούλα Παπαδημητρίου, αναπλ. Καθηγήτρια, Διευθύντρια Εργαστηρίου Βιβλικών Σπουδών Τμ. Ποιμαντικής και Κοινωνικής Θεολογίας Α.Π.Θ. ([email protected])
Academic responsible: Kyriakoula Papademetriou, assoc. Professor of New Testament Language, Exegesis and Hermeneutics – Director of the Biblical Studies Lab, AUTH.
Academic responsible: Kyriakoula Papademetriou, assoc. Professor of New Testament Language, Exegesis and Hermeneutics – Director of the Biblical Studies Lab, AUTH.
Το Τμήμα Κοινωνικής Θεολογίας και Χριστιανικού Πολιτισμού του Αριστοτελείου Πανεπιστημίου Θεσσαλονίκης σε συνεργασία με το Τμήμα Διοίκησης Οργανισμών, Μάρκετινγκ και Τουρισμού του Διεθνούς Πανεπιστημίου Ελλάδος οργανώνουν και λειτουργούν Διιδρυματικό Πρόγραμμα Μεταπτυχιακών Σπουδών (Δ.Π.Μ.Σ.) με τίτλο "ΘΡΗΣΚΕΥΤΙΚΟΣ ΚΑΙ ΠΡΟΣΚΥΝΗΜΑΤΙΚΟΣ ΤΟΥΡΙΣΜΟΣ".
Το Πρόγραμμα απευθύνεται σε λαϊκούς και κληρικούς αποφοίτους των Θεολογικών και λοιπών Σχολών Α.Ε.Ι. της ημεδαπής, στους κατόχους τίτλων πρώτου κύκλου σπουδών των Ανώτατων Εκκλησιαστικών Ακαδημιών και των Παραγωγικών Σχολών των Ενόπλων Δυνάμεων και των Σωμάτων Ασφαλείας, καθώς επίσης και στους κατόχους τίτλου σπουδών κάθε αντίστοιχου ισότιμου ακαδημαϊκού – πανεπιστημιακού ιδρύματος της αλλοδαπής. Απευθύνεται, επίσης, σε αποφοίτους Ανωτάτων Σχολών σχετικών με τον Τουρισμό, στους οποίους προσφέρει αξιόπιστη και έγκυρη γνώση για την ειδική μορφή του θρησκευτικού και προσκυνηματικού τουρισμού.
Το Πρόγραμμα είναι καινοτόμο, διότι καλύπτει διεπιστημονικά και τα δύο πεδία που απαιτούνται για την εξειδίκευση του θρησκευτικού και προσκυνηματικού τουρισμού: τη θρησκευτική και θεολογική γνώση, που παρέχει το Τμήμα Κοινωνικής Θεολογίας και Χριστιανικού Πολιτισμού και την τουριστική και διοικητική διαχείρισή της, που παρέχει το Τμήμα Διοίκησης Οργανισμών, Μάρκετινγκ και Τουρισμού.
Οι σπουδές διαρθρώνονται σε 3 ακαδημαϊκά εξάμηνα και τα δίδακτρα ορίζονται σε 2000 ευρώ. Προβλέπεται συνδυασμός διά ζώσης και διαδικτυακής διδασκαλίας, καθώς και χρήση των μέσων της εξ αποστάσεως εκπαίδευσης.
Αιτήσεις για τον νέο κύκλο γίνονται δεκτές έως τέλη Οκτωβρίου κάθε έτους, μόνο ηλεκτρονικά, στην ιστοσελίδα του Προγράμματος «ΔΠΜΣ «Θρησκευτικός και Προσκυνηματικός Τουρισμός»:
Τhe project "THE KOINE HELLENISTIC LANGUAGE OF THE BIBLE AND ITS CULTURAL DIMENSION" was included in the new action of the AUTH Research Committee, "Promotion of research results and connection of research with society." The action includes 33 short video interviews of AUTh researchers. The academic research and the knowledge produced will be disseminated more effectively to involve a wider audience.