Past & Future Appearances RSS feed for Atila's talks
Starting off as a self-taught developer made me value the community a lot. Sharing knowledge in conferences and meeting different people with similar interests is one of my biggest passions in this carreers. Therefore, I participate in conferences, podcasts, workshops, and meetups as often as I can.
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- To be announced
Security-First Web Apps
When setting up an app there are things that are nice-to-have and some things that you canât ship without. In this day and age, protecting your users data and making it harder for others to attack them is a must. Letâs have a look on nice defaults that can set you and your app up for success. What are the best heuristics, practices, and measures to make sure you can scale your app on the safe-side and without headaches!
- To be announced
Frameworks, Abstractions, and Ergonomics
Most frameworks use signals, thatâs awesome. But does that mean theyâre all the same? Not in the slightest. In this talk we will go through what makes a framework beyond its primitives. How it cater for their users and how you can choose the best fit for your coding. Letâs about ecosystem, developer experience, user experience, performance, and scalability. And vibes, sure!
- React Norway
Tanstack Start: Fresh Air for React
Tanstack Start is a new fullstack framework for React. Really? Another one? Yep. But this-one-is-differentâ¢. Itâs built client-side first, leverages the best router in the ecosystem for client-side navigations, and is fully powered by battle-tested open-source software. Itâs built as a meta-framework to be picked apart if needed and leveraging the best of each ecosystem. Letâs have a look at what makes it both different and special!
- ViteConf
By the Power of Rust: Web Goes Native
We're about to jump into native lands with a single command. Taurify will turn any web app into a native app. In this 7min talk we are actually doing it twice.
- React Alicante
Building a Full-Stack Application with Solid and SolidStart
This workshop will cover how to build secure, reliable, and performant applications thanks to Solid's strong parallelization and primitives. SolidStart composable nature allows developers to incrementally adopt the best architecture for their apps as the product grows and needs change. We will cover Solid's fundamentals (from the perspective of a React developer), SolidStart 1.0, and all the moving pieces to build and understand your application end-to-end.
- What the Stack?
Solid Signals
About 6 years ago Solid started bringing signals back to the spotlight. Now every framework is trying to live up to what Fine-Grained Reactivity brings to the table. We will have a look at the mechanisms by which SolidJS empowers us to build highly performant web apps. What are the patterns we need to follow so our code logic reflects how the user interacts and how the DOM behaves. And letâs have a peak on whatâs coming for Signals 2.0 and the future of frontend development.
- What the Stack?
Tauri: Build, Debug, and Ship a Desktop App with Web Tech
In this workshop we will create a Tauri app with our web framework of choice. Tauri exposes native APIs so itâs possible to communicate with the system straight from the Frontend of our app. Lastly, we global distribution and Auto-Update_strings with CrabNebula Cloud. Taking bundling and drafting releases straight from a GitHub Action.
- React Summit
Max Reactivity with Solid
We will have a look at the mechanisms by which SolidJS empowers us to build highly performant web apps with a mental model that works just as you'd expect. This talk is a step further on the consequences of choosing fine-grained reactivity: benefits for developer experience, efficiency, and end-user performance.
- JNation
Taking the Web Native with Tauri
Tauri is a framework that helps you build native apps with web technologies. It leverages the speed of Rust for the interface with a native system and lets you bring any framework. In fact, any frontend framework is compatible! So let's have a look at how we can turn our web apps into something that can be installed on desktop AND mobile systems!
- JSHeroes
Are Signals worth the hype?
From basically every framework across the board to TC39, signals are all the rage nowadays. A lot has been said about the performance benefits, but thatâs not all it is. Letâs talk about how signals provides a better mental model to render user interfaces, and how they make developing apps more predictable and, likely, error-free.
- CityJS London
Solid's Max Reactivity
We will have a look at the mechanisms by which SolidJS empowers us to build highly performant web apps with a mental model that works just as you'd expect. This talk is a step further on the consequences of choosing fine-grained reactivity: benefits for developer experience, efficiency, and end-user performance. How does the compiler helps you out, and what kind of patterns do developers need to know in order to maximize the output.
- React Paris
Fine Solid Patterns
We will have a look at the mechanisms by which SolidJS empowers us to build highly performant web apps with a mental model that works just as you'd expect. This talk is a step further on the consequences of choosing fine-grained reactivity: benefits for developer experience, efficiency, and end-user performance.
- Modern Web
A Solid(JS) Developer Experience with Atila Fassina, SolidJS DX Team Thursday Feb 08, 2024
Rob and Atila discuss how to improve DX, performance optimizations, and the nuances behind developer documentation and how to create a comprehensive toolkit for developers. Atila also talks about the upcoming stable release of Solid and its integration with Tauri V2 for mobile app development.
- PodRocket
React frustrations, web components, and hot takes
In this monthâs panel episode, we talk to Cassidy Williams, Michael Chan, and Atila Fassina about why web components are having a moment, mounting frustrations with React, and our guestsâ hottest takes on web development.
- Nick Taylor
Tauri & Solid
la, DevRel Engineer at CrabNebula, joins Nick to discuss the Tauri and SolidJS projects. They'll also have some fun building out an app!
- CityJS Berlin
Understanding Rendering Patterns
React has exploded in popularity thanks to the performance and unrivaled developer experience the virtual DOM and reconciliation could offer. But as our apps grew, we started pushing the boundaries of managing client state in a performant way. Let's see how to achieve fine-grained reactivity and what resumability brings to the table.
- React Brussels
Documentation - Why , When, How, ⦠and React ?
A discussion panel about how to make great documentation.
- React Brussels
Dissecting Reactivity: Signals x vDOM
Let's compare different models of reactivity. What is memoization, how it works. How do Signals operate and what are the heuristics that define the models of Fine-Grained Reactivity and Virtual DOM.
- Revo.js
Understanding Rendering Patterns
React has exploded in popularity thanks to the performance and unrivaled developer experience the virtual DOM and reconciliation could offer. But as our apps grew, we started pushing the boundaries of managing client state in a performant way. Let's see how to achieve fine-grained reactivity and what resumability brings to the table.
- React Alicante
Rendering Dilema: Reacting to State Change
React has exploded in popularity thanks to the performance and unrivaled developer experience the virtual DOM and reconciliation could offer. But as our apps grew, we started pushing the boundaries of managing client state in a performant way. Recently Signals have caught attention and curious eyes of developers that wish by default fine-grained control of how their applications re-render based on user actions. Let's have a look at the difference and how to achieve similar results with each paradigm.
- PodRocket
RSC and Client-Components
Want to know the difference between how server components and client components work? Atila Fassina joins the podcast to go in-depth on how each works and how they can actually work in tandem as well as separately.
- React Norway
Server Components vs Client Components: The Showdown
React Server Components shakes things up. It's both the source of much confusion and great hopes. Regardless of which side of the fence you're at, this talk gets the ball rolling. Let's talk about the different paradigms between the two component kinds, when you'd use one or the other. And finally, let's talk about the current API and architectural choices. What does React leaves for frameworks to do and what does it impose! - No pitchforks allowed!
- <React Global>
Reacting to State Change
React has exploded in popularity thanks to the performance and unrivaled developer experience the virtual DOM and reconciliation could offer. But as our apps grew, we started pushing the boundaries of managing client state in a performant way. Recently Signals have caught attention and curious eyes of developers that wish by default fine-grained control of how their applications re-render based on user actions. Let's have a look at the difference and how to achieve similar results with each paradigm.
- Smashing Workshop
Advanced Next.js Masterclass
Come around and letâs dive deep on how to build a fullstack application (with a data layer, state management, performance optimizations, and high security) with this amazing framework.
- JSConf Japan
Remixing Usability with Perf
Remember when loading statuses and pending states were the pinnacle of user experience? Those Single Page Application days are gone and with them the paradigm that locked Frontend and Backend away from each other. Thanks to serverless we can leverage the best of our apps and the best of our databases without breaking a sweat, and the user profits from it.
- Modern Frontends Live
Remixing Usability with Performance
Remember when loading status and pending states were the pinnacle of user experience? What if I told you there's a viable alternative that will make you look you don't even have a backend roundtrip going? Thanks to serverless we can leverage the best of our apps and the best of our databases without breaking a sweat, and the user profits.
- Smashing Conf NY
Optimistic UX
Once upon a time, the browser was passive to what logic the server would decide to show. Fast-forward a bit, we entered the world of Single Page Applications and suddenly we had control over presentation logic. Pending UIs and loading spinners enabled us to give the user feedback that something was happening. Nowadays, the gap between server-side and client-side is narrowed enough that we can have more control and anticipate what the response should be before we even fetch the data. Let's have a look at why and how we can use optimism to offer users a snappy (and smashing!) user experience.
- React Brussels
Remixing Usability with Performance
Remember when loading status and pending states were the pinnacle of user experience? What if I told you there's a viable alternative that will make you look you don't even have a backend roundtrip going? Thanks to serverless we can leverage the best of our apps and the best of our databases without breaking a sweat, and the user profits.
- React Alicante
Handling Monorepos Today
We want our node_modules to be small, we want to keep only one repository up-to-date_string. But we need deployments, release, and tests to be fast. Our build pipelines must be cheap! And on top of all that, don't give us a huge configuration file!! And by the way, don't even get me started on interdependencies! Let's set it all up once and for all. Free tools, nice defaults, and all that jazz!
- React Roundup
Next.js, Remix and Xata
In todayâs episode we talk with Atila Fassina, a developer experience engineer working at Xata. As a fan of both, Atila compares Next.js and Remix, comparing their similarities and differences. We also talk about how Xata makes dealing with databases more comfortable. This server-less database, which is hidden behind an API, provides users with some nice abstractions, such as instant migrations, and analytics and a search engine right out of the box. Our discussion includes partial routing, Remix mutations, and layout RFC.
- React Norway
Optmistic Web
Remix is a framework revitalises web development by putting progressive enhancement in the front seat. It creates solutions that approximates developers to the platform. It uses Developer Experience as means to enforce web best practices and with that brought the term Optimistic UI back to our daily lives. Let's have a look at what features the Remix offers out-of-the-box to get developers creating high-quality web apps easily and deploying them anywhere that can run JavaScript.
- Agent Conf
Show me the Cache!
"Oh, you found a bug? It's probably cache. " is the unfairest sentence on the web. Cacheis not the bug, not understanding cache is. Let's have a look on how it works and what we can do to leverage User Experience to the next level with it. Let's flush cache from a bug to a feature together!
- React Round Up
Going Deep on Next.js
Atila Fassina joins the Round Up to discuss how he got into Next and what he's doing with it now. The panel dives into the ins and outs of what you can do with Next and some advanced uses for the framework.
- Smashing Workshop
Next.js Black Belt
In the workshop we cover everything from tooling to performance, and from UI straight up to security, so you are ready to take up your own after.
- Conf42
Multi-Thread Demystified
JavaScript is not single-threaded anymore. And it has been a while. But we are still leaving all the processing in the same thread that we render things. Let's have a look on how we can do it better. Unblock the main thread forever!!!
- React Day New York
Multi-thread demystified
JavaScript is not single-threaded anymore. And it has been a while. But we are still leaving all the processing in the same thread that we render things. Let's have a look on how we can do it better. Unblock the main thread forever!!!
- React Meetup Berlin
i18n with Next.js: the smooth way
- With i18n routing out-of-the-box on Next.js, there's a lot of heavy lifting going on for us already. Let's have a look at 2 different approaches. Both with fairly little code, simple, and lightweight patterns to get our apps fully globalized!!
- Infobip Shift
Jamstack for Complex Apps
Single Page Applications are awesome for quick scaffolding. But how do we beat those growing pains once your app becomes successful? There isn't a single answer, but Jamstack can definitely help. Maintainability and complexity are not opposites.