Atelier Wiki

This template is supposed to be the base template for other tab templates.


{{Parent Tab 
|backcolor = 
|height    = 
|minwidth  = 
|maxwidth  = 
|tab1  = 
|tab2  = 
|tab3  = 
|tab4  = 
|tab5  = 
|tab6  = 
|tab7  = 
|tab8  = 
|tab9  = 
|tab10 = 

All parameters, except tab1, are optional.

  • backcolor - background color of active tab; default #DDDDDD;
  • height - height of tabs, in em; default 3.8em;
  • minwidth - min. width of tabs, in em; default 5.0em;
  • maxwidth - max. width of tabs, in em; default 12.0em;
  • tab1 - an arbitrary title of the first tab;
  • tab2 - title of the second tab; it must correspond to the part after "/" of the name of the page, to which it links
  • tab3, tab4, tab5, tab6, tab7, tab8 - like tab2


{{Parent Tab
|backcolor  = #B22222
|height     = 2.2
|maxwidth   = 20
|tab1       = Information
|tab2       = Synopsis
|tab3       = Relationships
|tab4       = Image Gallery