Atelier Escha & Logy Alchemist of Dusk Sky Original Soundtrack(エスカ&ロジーのアトリエ~黄昏の空の錬金術士~オリジナルサウンドトラック) is an album with the music of Atelier Escha & Logy: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky.
The album does not include the vocal songs of the game, with the exceptions of the opening video cut version of the opening theme "Milk-coloured Ridge(ミルク色の峠, Miruku-iro no tōge)", the ending theme "Sweet Reward(甘いご褒美, Amai go hōbi)", and FJ cut of Infinity Chronicle (無限大クロニクル, Mugendai kuronikuru).
The album has 96 tracks on three discs in total, and the jacket illustration is made by the game's character illustrator, Hidari. The first printed editions of the album came with a 32 pages booklet with sheet music called Otonohanoshirabe 12 (おとのはのしらべ12).
Track Listing[]
Disc One[]
- ミルク色の峠 -OP Size- (Miruku-iro no tōge -OP Size-, Milk-coloured Ridge -OP Size-)
- 約束(ピアノ版) (Yakusoku (piano ban), Promise(Piano Version))
- 秋の崩壊 -Autumn Collapse- (Aki no hōkai -Autumn Collapse-, Autumn Collapse -Autumn Collapse-)
- 空が赤色だから (Sora ga akairo dakara, Therefore the Sky is Red)
- 万里一空
- パヴァーヌ(Pava-nu, Pavane)
- わが名はレジオン
- 光を越えて(Hikari wo koete, Crossing the Light)
- Fulcrum
- 大いなる業
- 空を見上げて (Sora who miagete, Looking up at the Sky)
- りんごの木 (Ringo no ki, Apple Tree)
- お嬢さん、一緒にりんごを食べませんか? (Ojou-san, issho ni ringo wo tabemasen ka?)
- 羽休め
- 傍らに咲く花 Part2 (Katawara ni saku hana Part2, A Flower Blooming Nearby Part2)
- 雛鳥 Part2 (Hinadori Part2, Baby Bird Part2)
- 雲の湊(Kumo no minato, Cloud Port)
- メガネが滾る (Megane ga tagiru, The Glasses are Boiling)
- Kitchen Dance
- 肉と飯の讃歌 (Niku to meshi no sanka)
- Special Finest Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe
- Spicy Sugar
- Sugary Spice
- Hummingbird
- 邂逅 (Kaikou, Chance Meeting)
- ベリーの弾丸 (Berī no dangan, Bullet of Berry)
- 靄の女(Moya no onna, Woman of Haze)
- どうしたもんか (Doushita monka)
- 錬金術士エスカちゃんの事件簿
- 空と気球と気候地形学的太陽の物語
- 止まり木 (Tomarigi, Bar Stool)
- 六角形の集積(Pv使用曲)
- Disc Length: 58'03"
Disc Two[]
- 朝露のピチカート(Asatsuyu no pichikāto, Morning Dew Pizzicato)
- 尻尾の数はふたつとひとつ
- 恐るべき空白(Osorubeki kūhaku,Dreadful Blank Space)
- 丘のふもとで(Oka no fumoto de, At the Foot of the Hill)
- 名もなきかの地へ
- 朽ちゆく光(Kuchiyuku hikari, Rotting Light)
- Updraft
- 高度を上げて
- 吹けよ風、呼べよ嵐 -Full Metal Slug-
- Don't Panic
- ドロシアの虎
- Cliff Of Burned Place
- Close To The Edge Part2
- 人外魔境冒険譚
- 蠢動(Shundou, Maneuvering)
- 骸
- 咆哮 (Houkou, Howl)
- ドラゴンに愛を -Don't Kill The Dragon-
- 発芽(ゲンミナティオ)
- 形成(フルマティオ)
- 午後は砂糖たっぷりのチャイを
- The Pen And The Sword Part2
- The Pen And The Sword Part3
- マリオンが怖い(Marion ga kowai, Afraid of Marion)
- G Protein-Coupled Receptor
- 背伸び(Senobi)
- シミュラクラ(Shimyurakura)
- 冒険家のボレロ(Boukenka no borero, Adventurer's Bolero)
- 刻の轍
- そして誰もいなくなった場所で(soshite dare mo inakunatta basho de, And Then A Place with No-one)
- もう一度、赤い悪夢(Mōichido, akai akumu, Once More, Red Nightmare)
- 遥かなる思い出(Haruka naru omoide)
- Total Time: 70'01"
Disc Three[]
- 双翼 (souyoku)
- 狂雲を抜けて
- 働き蜂のいない巣で(At a Hive without Working Bees, hatarakibachi no inai su de)
- 未知に満ちた道(michi ni michita michi)
- ひとりぼっちの女王蜂 (Alone Queen Bee, hitoribotchi no johubachi)
- Sky Of Twilight (Instrumental)
- 蝋の翼 (Wing of Wax, rou no tsubasa)
- 約束(黄昏の丘) (Promise (Dusk Hill), yakusoku (tasogare no oka))
- 硝子の鍵 (Garasu kagi, Glass Key)
- それいけ!カイハツハン (soreike! kaihatsuhan)
- 手おくれ (te o kure)
- Consolation
- 夕べの調べ (Evening Melody, yuube no shirabe)
- たそがれのボイン (tasogare no boin)
- はたらくひとのラグタイム(Working people's ragtime, hataraku hito no ragutaimu)
- 錬金術士の弁証法 (Alchemist's Dialectic, renkinjutsushi no benshouhou)
- Shall We Talk
- ひとりの部屋 (hitori no heya)
- 悔恨 (Regret, kaikon)
- 蒼天の空を飛ぶ (Flying in the Azure Sky, souten no sora wo tobu)
- 眠る巣 (Sleeping Hive, nemuru su)
- 逆光 (Backlighting, gyakkou)
- FJ:無限大クロニクル (FJ: Infinity Chronicle, FJ: mugendai kuronikuru)
- FJ:Acht-Acht
- FJ:Purple Haze
- FJ:journey
- FJ:The Pen And The Sword Part3
- ひとやすみ (Rest, hitoyasumi)
- 手と手をつないで (te to te wo tsunaide)
- たからもの (Treasure, takaramono)
- 甘いご褒美 (Sweet Reward, amai gohoubi)
- 燃える夕焼け-Goodbye Dusk Sky- (Burning Sunset-Goodbye Dusk Sky-, moeru yuuyake-goodbye dusk sky-)
- Total Time: 57'59"
See Also[]