One line of project description goes here.
Indicate which version of Commerce.js SDK/CDN is used: v1 or v2
A summary of project's intent or overview of what will be accomplished.
- ...
- ...
- ...
List the software or tools needed.
- 1st tool
- 2nd tool
- 3rd tool
List prerequisite knowledge if any.
- ...
- ...
- ...
Use our Commerce.js SDK to access the Chec API data from your application.
Choose either one of the installation methods:
- Installing via CDN
installation script
- Installing via SDK
installation script
A step by step series on injecting Commerce.js logic.
- First step of injecting Commerce.js logic
example script
- And repeat
example script
- Until finished
example script
End with linking an example of live project or demo. Live Demo
List all frameworks/tools used.
- Vue.js - The web framework used
- TailwindCSS - The web framework used
- Yarn - The web framework used
- Name - Github
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
Add any additional customization notes if any.