Academic Success Workshops

The Office of Academic Support & Retention facilitates academic workshops focusing on a variety of topics, such as resiliency & time management, to support the holistic success of undergraduate students. Workshops are available for request through Tutor Iowa to student groups, student organizations, university departments, and course instructors.

College Readiness & GEAR UP Partnerships

College readiness refers to the set of skills, knowledge, and behaviors students develop before their first year. It can help students find success while at the University of Iowa. Academic Support & Retention partners with organizations such as the Iowa Department of Education: Future Ready Iowa, Iowa Higher Education Mathematics Transition Advisory Council, and Iowa College Aid that focus more on building relationships and creating pathways that connect K-12 and higher education in ways that result in helping students across the state of Iowa become better prepared for post-secondary opportunities. 

Iowa College Aid has received a series of grants to support the establishment of GEAR UP (Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs) Iowa, a program supporting underserved students to prepare, enroll and persist through college. Through these grants, University of Iowa partners support GEAR UP students in preparing them to enroll and succeed in college and supporting them if they attend the University of Iowa.  

Consultations & Trainings

AS&R staff serve as consultants to people and departments that will directly impact the experience, learning, and retention of undergraduate students. This can include consults on individual student cases, programs, or departmental level, specifically focusing on ways to implement strategic and tactics are actionable, evidence-based, and data-informed practices. 

Early Intervention Team

Student success can be hindered by many issues: physical and mental health, personal problems, substance abuse, and finances.

If you have a student who could benefit from additional support, call the Early Intervention Team (EIT).  We will provide support and coordinate the necessary resources to get the student back on track.


Excelling@Iowa provides staff and faculty with an actionable platform to support undergraduate student success at the University through integrated, coordinated, and proactive support.


The 1stGen@Iowa initiative seeks to inform and educate the campus community, support first-generation students in their academic and career endeavors, and ensure that students ultimately succeed at the University of Iowa. This initiative, as well as the first-generation task force, focuses on the role that faculty and staff have in first-generation students’ success. In addition, it aims to address systemic and institutional barriers to success and seeks to build awareness of and celebrate the first-gen identity.

First-Gen Hawks

The First-Gen Hawks Experience provides 200 new (first-generation college students) Hawkeyes a way to engage in activities that enhance the college experience within and beyond the classroom through experiential learning.

First-Year Seminars

At the University of Iowa, a First-Year Seminar (FYS) is a topic-based course that is specifically designed to introduce new, first year students to important principles and academic expectations that will help them be successful in college. Classes are small (capped around 20 students), taught by faculty and instructional staff, and offered for 1 semester hour of credit. Seminars are designed around the UI’s 4 Pillars of a First-Year Seminar: academic inquiry, active learning, community and connectedness, and exploration of identity.

Learning Assistant Program

The Learning Assistant Program provides additional support to students through the integration of Learning Assistants (peer leaders) into classrooms. Learning Assistants are undergraduate students who, with training and support, help facilitate activities during class sessions to increase active collaboration to improve student learning.

Learning at Iowa

Learning at Iowa is an initiative that focuses on improving learning across campus through the 3 Ms of learning, Mindset, Metacognition, and Memory. It focuses on how instructors can implement the 3Ms in their courses, as well as how we can educate students about the cognitive science of learning and how to approach their course work. 


Peer Led Undergraduate Study Program

PLUS (Peer Led Undergraduate Study) is a course designed to provide additional support for students dually enrolled in General Chemistry I (CHEM:1070) and College Algebra (MATH:1005). PLUS is a required 0-credit course and meets twice per week for 50 minutes throughout the semester.

Supplemental Instruction @ The Academic Resource Center

Supplemental Instruction (SI) is an academic support program that is designed to support specific challenging courses and is grounded in active and collaborative learning, allowing students to deepen their understanding of course content and learn study skills that they can use in their classes. SI Leaders – peer undergraduate students who have been successful in the course previously – are hired to facilitate 3 50-minute group study sessions each week! Sessions are free and voluntary, and students can attend as many sessions as they want, coming and going as they please! The Academic Resource Center (ARC) is located on the ground floor of the Iowa Memorial Union (IMU).

Tutor Certification Program

The Tutor Certification Program provides professional development workshops and recognition for campus tutors. Workshops cover a variety of topics and change each semester.

Tutor Iowa

Tutor Iowa ( is a resource to find academic assistance for University of Iowa undergraduate courses, including information on Supplemental Instruction (SI) sessions, help centers across campus, and private tutors. Additionally, Tutor Iowa offers a wide variety of academic tips worksheets and videos and serves as a platform to request an academic success workshop for classes, departments, or student organizations!