Editors’ Note, May 6, 2024: A link originally indicating a source for this report has gone dead. A new link to the same source, a Sputnik page, is given bellow. The author in an addemdum posted on his Substack blog May 6 has discussed the sourcing. The first two paragraphs immediately below accordingly represent a rewrite to update the May 4 article, the thrust of which France has officially denied, and there are additional edits farther down in the text.
(Further update, May 7, 2024: Russia’s Pravda has published a detailed article setting forth what Russian military bloggers who specialize in military matters have reported. The article, in English, is available here.)
France has sent its first troops officially to Ukraine – the soldiers drawn from France’s 3rd Infantry Regiment, which is one of the main elements of France’s Foreign Legion (Légion étrangère), deployed in support of the Ukrainian 54th Independent Mechanized Brigade in Slavyansk – according to a report from the Russian news service Sputnik, itself sourced to the Russian Telegraph channel Military Chronicle.
Top War, another Russian site, notes that there is a slightly different version in which the unit number of the Ukrainian brigade receiving these reinforcements is not the 54th but the 7th. “For our part,” cautions Top War, “we can neither confirm nor deny this information, so everything is at your discretion. At the same time, there is no smoke without fire.”
In 2022 France had a number of Ukrainians and Russians in the Foreign Legion (Légion étrangère). They were allowed to leave the Legion and, in the case of the Ukrainians, return to Ukraine to join Ukrainian forces. It isn’t clear if the Russians returned home.
The Legion today is run by French officers but the rank and file are generally foreigners. Under the current anonymat (being anonymous) rule, a volunteer who joins the Legion can decide whether to keep his given name or adopt a new one. Legionnaires serve for five-year terms, after which they can ask for French citizenship. If a legionnaire is wounded, he is entitled to gain French citizenship without any waiting period. There are no women in the Foreign Legion.

The initial group of French troops is reported to number around 100 out of around 1,500 French Foreign Legion soldiers scheduled to arrive in Ukraine.
Posting these troops directly in a hot combat area would be intended to help the Ukrainians resist Russian advances in Donbas. The first 100 are described as artillery and surveillance specialists.
For months French President Emanuel Macron has been threatening to send French troops to Ukraine. He has found little or no support from NATO countries outside of support from Poland and the Baltic States. Allegedly the US opposes sending NATO soldiers to Ukraine (other than as advisors).
One of the questions to immediately arise from France’s decision to send soldiers from its 3rd Infantry Regiment is whether this crosses the Russian red line on NATO involvement in Ukraine? Will the Russians see this as initiating a wider war beyond Ukraine’s borders?
France itself does not have many troops to put on Ukraine’s battlelines, should the French government want to do so. According to reports, today France cannot support an overseas deployment of a full division and won’t have this capability until 2027 at the earliest.
A decision to send Foreign Legionnaires should be seen as a peculiar French compromise. France is not deploying its home army and, besides the small number of officers, the men sent generally are not French citizens.
France’s decision has two meanings, beyond the obvious one of potentially triggering a pan-European war.
First of all, it allows Macron to send troops to Ukraine and act like a tough guy without encountering much home opposition. With few French citizens being sent and with the lack of conscription or other measures in the offing, the potential fury of Macron’s political opponents is reduced.

The second reason is Macron’s anger at seeing French troops, almost all from the Legion, getting kicked out of Sahelian Africa and replaced by Russians. Control of Francophone Africa and the riches it provides to French politicians has been broken by the revolt and revolution in Africa and a decisive tilt to Russia – either directly or through PMC Wagner (the Wagner Group), now clearly under Vladimir Putin’s direct control.
This “humiliation” is felt in the Élysée Palace and particularly by Macron, who, his opponents say, has lost France’s influence and harmed France’s overseas mining and business interests.
A particular blow is in Niger, an important supplier of uranium to France. France gets 70 percent of its electrical power from nuclear power generators. Global uranium supplies are tightening and prices rising. With Russia and Kazakhstan, along with Niger, on the top of the heap in terms of supplying uranium for nuclear reactors, France has a home economic security problem. The US decision to ban Russian uranium (but probably not realistically, in the next few years) the Russians could deal a serious blow to France and the United States by cutting off supplies.

Given the risk of losing access to uranium, or at least enough of it to supply France’s reactors, Macron has to hope that his troop deployments to Ukraine won’t trigger a Russian embargo on sales to France.
It isn’t clear how the Legionnaires can help the Ukrainians. The Ukrainians know how to operate artillery, and they have sophisticated intelligence support, some of it generated by their own FPV drones and spies and some of it thanks to US and other NATO intelligence and surveillance assets supporting Ukraine.
Anyway, the Ukrainian issue is not about how to use artillery but where the ammunition is supposed to come from. Ukraine continues to complain it lacks adequate supplies for 155mm howitzers.
A decision to put the Legion soldiers in Slavyansk is extremely provocative and goes against statements from the French side, including Macron, to the effect that if France sent troops they would replace Ukrainian army units in western Ukraine who could, therefore, be moved eastward to fight the Russians. As Slavyansk is on the front line, this French image of a soft deployment is turning into a war with Russia directly.
A key question is how NATO will react to the French decision to deploy. As France is acting on its own without NATO’s backing, the French cannot claim support from NATO under its famous Article 5, the collective security component of the NATO Treaty.
Should the Russians attack French troops outside of Ukraine it would be justified because France has decided to be a combatant, and forcing an Article 5 vote would seem to be difficult if not impossible.
Of course, NATO members individually could support the French, either by sending their own forces or by backstopping the French logistically and in communications. For example, there is no way Foreign Legion soldiers can go to Ukraine without passing through Poland. Will the Russians see this as evidence they are at war both with France and Poland?
Right now no one can answer any of these questions with any degree of certainty. It is unlikely the Russians will long tolerate a buildup of French army troops, even if they are Foreign Legion soldiers. What Russia will do in response is not certain.
Stephen Bryen served as staff director of the Near East Subcommittee of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and as a deputy undersecretary of defense for policy.
This article was first published on his Weapons and Strategy Substack and is republished with permission.
May be Macron made a mistake
It’s very dangerous. We don’t want to see nucler war.
This boy doesn’t know jacksht about the legion and it shows in this Fake Piece. 3REI he didnt get the name right is a small regiment based in SOUTH AMERICA and it is not trained for European combat large combat. 100 troups would be 25% of the regiment that has only 2 combat companies of 120 or so Each! 3REI is a JUNGLE regiment who does security for the EU space agency launches of saelites and anti goldmining operations. The Legion has NO Artillerie units only some small mortar units. The legion has plenty of people who are french or have French citizens. Legionnaires who left to go to Ukraine WERE AND ARE considered deserters. The legion is ARMEE DE TERRE it is under control of and part of the French Army. I could go on for days, but point is this clown made this crap up!
No source, fake news
France doesn’t have any interest to send soldiers in Ukraine, without a strong communication, that would be useless
Anyway, no source, it’s just a fake news
Not fake according to lecourrierdesstrateges site in French.
They confirm from local sources that the FFL 3rd Regiment from Nimes indeed engaged in practice in le Creuse department of central France in April together with elements of the regular army before their departure then expected during the last two weeks of April for Ukraine.
A huge mistake on the part of the EU. Sending 1,500 soldiers won’t change anything anymore. The daily losses of Ukrainian soldiers amount to more than 1,000 people every day and this figure will only increase…
It’s fake news by a clown bud
They should understand that this is actually casus belli for Russia to start a war with France. Anyway, their ppl are dead already. Those are their ppl not mine, I care only as much as I don’t like any people dying for stupidity of their managers.
Fake news there bucky
Dead Foreign Legion soldiers will be ok by the French I suppose. They have been warned by Putin himself, and will be lucky to get out alive.
Get out alive? Well, good luck with that
FAKE NEWS. 3rei is a small jungle regiment IN SOUTH AMERICA, legion has no artillerie, can’t get basic legion facts correct, WE Know where our guys are and it is not Ukraine
It’s been made perfectly clear what Mr. Putin and Russia will do to anyone coming into Ukraine to fight against Russia. No Mercy
No one else is reporting this
Sterling work by Stephen Bryen & his contacts in revealing this possible momentous first , in effect, open Nato deployment of France’s integrated regular army of their Foreign Legion to Ukraine. (some ill informed may dispute this by claiming its a majority irregular force separate from the French army)
There are a few points that come to mind not covered in this well researched article which we have to believe is true & accurate. France has independently, as Macron threatened to do, deployed Nato troops to Ukraine without apparent universal approval. Again this was not unexpected but shows the lack of harmony within Nato and even the fragility of the lynch pin Article 5.
This is a very major move which will involve Nato/Stoltenberg whether it likes it or not. It also shows his weak leadership at this critical time. The more important repercussions derive from any direct Russian reaction towards any Nato state. Secondly, strangely it seems, this deployment has NOT been covered in the French or other media to date! In effect so far, apart from Bryen’s “leak” it can be still regarded as a secret deployment!
One wonders what the French public’s reaction will be initially and when there maybe losses and further support forces required? Being an independent French deployment does not absolve Nato and its obligation to support, in this instance, its wayward impulsive ally France.
I am very concerned about the apparent secrecy, lack of openness and possible reaction of the Russians. Taken with this is the UK’s “loose cannon” new Foreign Secretary Cameron just announcing his no objection to new British long range weapons sent to Ukraine being used on Russian soil and we are in a completely new “ball game” which most don’t even appreciate or understand
The Foreign Legion deployment is a non-event, except for the Ukrainian troops in their vicinity who will be collaterally targeted.
NOT real bud this is propagandist BS