
  • Artlogic Specialists

    Get trusted freelance help with your database, website and graphic design.
  • A global network of specialists

    We've created a global network of freelancers who are specialists in our products. They know our systems inside and out and can help you get things done no matter where you are in the world. So whether you need some help managing or entering data in your database, customising your website, or even some graphic design for an upcoming exhibition or art fair, you'll find the right help here. 

    Please note: Artlogic only lists specialists who have successfully completed projects and work with our clients. However, specialists are not employed by Artlogic. Artlogic is not responsible for any commitments or development work made by a specialist.

    • AFB Consulting

      Services offered: Manual accessibility testing with a prioritised list of issues and clear, training on digital accessibility for engineers and designers; developer support from our accessibility engineers and development of accessibility roadmaps.
    • Daniel Schandl Christiansen

      Services offered: Database Specialist, Designer & Creative
    • Finn Theunis

      Services offered: Artlogic site optimisation, SEO advice, digital content creation, website content management, social media marketing, email marketing, google advertising, social media advertising.
    • Rosannagh Scarlet Esson

      Rosannagh Scarlet Esson

      Services offered: website design and training, database consultancy and training, data entry, copywriting, photo editing and graphic design.
    • Joe Madeira

      United Kingdom (London) Services offered: Inventory and collections management, website development and design, database consultancy (best practice methodologies) and training, data entry, social media and branding.
    • Michelle Schultz

      Canada (Edmonton) & USA (Los Angeles) Services offered: Inventory and collections management, website development and design, database consultancy and training, data entry, cleaning and management.
    • Robin Perdriolle

      France (Paris) & Belgium (Bruxelles) Services offered: Stratégie Digitale, Communication Digitale, Communication Réseaux Sociaux
    • Oriel Steel

      London Services offered: Website design and development, Website consultancy, Training on all Artlogic products (with a focus on websites), Data entry & Data migration
    • Aaron Canning

      Netherlands (Amsterdam) Services offered: Art direction and graphic design.
    • Eveline Meeuwse

      Switzerland (Zürich) Services offered: Collection management.
    • Mel Francis

      Mel Francis

      United Kingdom Services offered: Collection management, data entry, database training, data cleaning and import management.
    • Branch Arts

      United Kingdom (London) Services offered: Brand audit, website design & development, UX, graphic design & strategic communications (including content copywriting)
    • Milo Sharpe

      United Kingdom (London) Services offered: Video production, creative planning and social media.
    • Praline

      United Kingdom (London) Services offered: Brand Strategy, Branding, Website Design
    • Tristan Lund

      United Kingdom (London) Services offered: Collection management, data entry and database training.
    • Robin Fowler

      United Kingdom (London) Services offered: CSS customisations for websites.
    • Alexandra Hincapie

      United Kingdom (London) Services Offered: Collection Management, Data Entry, Database Training, Data Cleaning, Import Management
    • Aleksandr Tishkov

      United Kingdom (London) Services offered: Data entry, Website design and development, Graphic design services including visual content creation, logo, custom fonts.
    • Alice Bonnot

      United Kingdom (London) and France (Paris) Services offered: Database and import management, inventory and collection management, website development and communication strategy.
    • Valerie Chirigos

      USA Services offered: Collection management, database training, data entry, graphic design and photography.
    • Brandon Coburn

      USA (New York City) & United Kingdom (London) Services offered: Database management, shipping, conservation and framing logistics, appraisals, insurance, acquisitions and deacquisitions.
    • Lauren Halilej

      USA (New York) Services offered: Inventory and database management, general training, user workflow optimization, sales & offer tracking, and invoicing best practice.
    • Jody Egolf

      USA (NYC) Services offered: inventory management and collections care, data entry and database clean up, database training, fine art logistics facilitation and consultation.