ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki
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Gas Vein
Gas Vein (Aberration)
Allows a Gas Collector to be placed for the extraction of Congealed Gas Balls over time.
Added in

The Gas Vein is a resource node in Aberration that produces Congealed Gas Balls over time. Its appearance is that of a breach in the ground from which pink gas spews forth. Occasionally, Congealed Gas Balls can appear on the ground next to a Gas Vein. By using a Gas Collector (Aberration) Gas Collector, the Congealed Gas Balls can be gathered in its inventory, and the rate of gathering increased.

Gas Vein Locations[]

Below are all of the gas vein locations for Aberration. For a larger map including the other resources, see the Strategic Resource Map.

Gas Vein
Aberration Map
  • 13 Gas Veins can be found altogether on a platform in Luminous Marshlands around 45.5 63.2, with a charge node at the center.
Lat Lon X Y Z
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  • The Gas Vein will occasionally spew forth a cloud of gas.
  • The gas from the Gas Vein is corrosive and will apply the Gas Bursts status to any survivor that comes into contact with it.
  • A Hazard Suit Armor can be used to protect a survivor from the gas.
  • Picking up a Congealed Gas Ball from a Gas Vein without using a Hazard Suit is safe and will not count as walking into the gas cloud.
  • Gas vein can be spawned by using command: cheat Summon gasvein_base_bp_c
    • To remove a gas vein use this command (WARNING, will destroy every structure within the specified radius): cheat KillAOE Structures 1000