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Esta es una traducción en progreso. El contenido y el formato de esta página pueden variar durante las próximas horas o días. |
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Este artículo es sobre contenido exclusivo de uno o más eventos. Este contenido no es accesible fuera de dichos eventos. Turkey Trial, Turkey Trial 2, Turkey Trial 3, Turkey Trial 4 |
cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Resources/PrimalItemResource_Wishbone.PrimalItemResource_Wishbone'" 1 0 0
La espoleta (espoleta en la versión original del juego) es uno de los objetos que se pueden obtener durante el evento "ARK Turkey Trial 3" de ARK: Survival Evolved.
Este objeto se obtiene del Superpavo durante el evento ARK: Turkey Trial. Se puede usar para fabricar el sombrero de jefe de la tribu, el gesto "Pavo" o para invocar a un DodoRex en un caldero.
Mediante el uso de una olla, las espoletas pueden convertirse en los siguientes objetos:
Summoning the DodoRex[]
The DodoRex can be summoned at a caldero for 400 espoletas. The first item in the caldero will be a "Summon DodoRex" icon with an orange outline, similar to that of the Broodmother summon. Place the espoletas and some fuel in the caldero, light the fire, and click "Summon with Tribute".
The DodoRex will appear on top of the caldero and can be claimed with the Use key E.
The DodoRex will last for 25 minutes once summoned - whether it's claimed or not.
- Los calderos that existed before the Turkey Trial event will not have the option to summon - create a new caldero to fix this.
- There is a bug where the DodoRex will sometimes walk in the direction that the player was facing when the caldero was placed, and will continue in that direction until they reach deep water or an impassible object. If the DodoRex runs into walls while doing this, it will damage and break them. Since the DodoRex's walking speed is greater than a player's sprint speed, having a fast mount nearby to catch up to it is recommended.
- In Turkey Trial of 2015 the DodoRex could be summoned with 1000 espoletas and lasted 15 minutes. Also, the Chieftan Hat originally cost 60 espoletas to craft.