UNC-CH and Duke University Area Studies Teacher Advisory Council
The UNC-CH and Duke University Area Studies Teacher Advisory Council is a group of educators that evaluates and supports the direction of the area studies centers’ K-12 outreach. Representing a diversity of grade levels, disciplines, and regions of North Carolina, advisory council members provide valuable feedback on programs and resources, guide the planning of future opportunities for teachers, and advocate on behalf of UNC Chapel Hill and Duke University area studies programs during their two-year term.
The mission of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Duke University Area Studies Teacher Advisory Council is to advance the outreach activities of the UNC-Duke Area Studies Centers and to advise staff on the following objectives:
- Gain a clear understanding of the needs for K-12 teachers to successfully implement area studies in their curricula;
- Identify areas of strength and weakness in the outreach efforts of the Area Studies Centers; and
- Provide ongoing evaluation of Area Studies Center programming.
Advisory Council Members
The Area Studies Teacher Advisory Council shall include representatives from K-12 schools and other educational leaders in the North Carolina area who have an active relationship with at least one Area Studies Center. Each Area Studies Center (African Studies Center; Carolina Asia Center; Center for European Studies; Center for Slavic, Eurasian and East European Studies; Duke-UNC Consortium for Middle East Studies; UNC-Duke Consortium in Latin American and Caribbean Studies; and the Carolina Navigators program) will nominate two representatives to serve two-year terms. Advisory Council members shall be appointed based on their commitment to global education, familiarity with UNC/Duke Area Studies programs, leadership in their schools and districts, and willingness to fulfill the responsibilities of the Teacher Advisory Council.
Advisory Council Members’ Responsibilities
Area Studies Teacher Advisory Council members commit to the following:
- Attend one in-person meeting each spring (travel will be funded for participants living more than 150 miles away from meeting location) and one virtual meeting each fall;
- Attend at least one professional development program annually offered by a UNC-Duke area studies center as an active participant (i.e. ask questions, facilitate discussion, complete pre-readings);
- Review and provide advice concerning the area studies’ long-term vision and strategic planning in areas pertaining to global education;
- Advise on curriculum and professional development strategies;
- Participate in sub-committees, if needed, in support of specific initiatives;
- Identify resources that assist the Area Studies Centers in sustaining and advancing its objectives;
- Follow the area studies centers on social media; and
- Promote area studies center events, resources, and professional development opportunities with your network, colleagues, and administrators either in person, at conferences, and/or on social media.
Advisory Council Support
The area studies centers are committed to supporting members of the Teacher Advisory Council by
- Funding travel to the in-person spring council meeting for participants living more than 150 miles away from meeting location, and funding travel and accommodation for those coming from more than 150 miles away.
- Providing timely information about center programs and initiatives.
- Providing documentation (letter of appointment at the start, letter of appreciation at the conclusion, and continuing education units when appropriate after meetings with content presentations) for council members.
2021-2023 Advisory Council Members
- Kelsey Agar, Mooresville High School, Mooresville Graded School District
- Gabriela Bermingham, Oakley Elementary, Buncombe County Schools
- Maria Berrios Vergara, McDougal Middle School, Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools
- Kathryn Bryant, John Small Elementary School, Beaufort County Schools
- Kateryna Decker, NC Virtual
- Kim Freeman, Southern Elementary School, Guilford County Schools
- Leshaun Jenkins, Tarboro High School, Edgecombe County Schools
- Stephanie Morgan, Pisgah High School, Haywood County Schools
- Claire Ross, Morehead City Primary School, Carteret County Schools
- Phylisha Sanders, Social Studies Consultant, Division of Curriculum & Instruction, North Carolina Department of Public Instruction
- Tonya Smith, North Carolina School of Science and Math
- Sonya Terry, Durham Public Schools
- Bonnie Wang, Durham Academy
- Measha Williams, Northern Granville Middle School, Granville County Schools
- Nicolas Williams, Orange High, Orange County Schools
Contact Information
Kevin W. Fogg
Associate Director, Carolina Asia Center
[email protected]
Alaa Hammouda
Outreach Director, Center for Middle East and Islamic Studies
[email protected]
Brett Harris
International Education Program Coordinator, UNC Center for European Studies
[email protected]
Skylar Zee
Outreach Coordinator, Duke-UNC-Duke Consortium in Latin American Studies
[email protected]