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The Big Bad Launcher Logo
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The Big Bad Launcher has received little to no attention since its launch, although I had far more my intentions for this app than its current version (thus the app's...presumptuous name). However, the state in which I left it always frustrated me, so I've recently decided to have another go. Be advised, this a completely new release - in that, it has absolutely nothing to do with the old version: it was written from scratch and coming from a completely different direction.

NatGeo Wallpaper Downloader Thumbnail

User Rating: 5 / 5

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NatGeo Wallpaper Downloader clearly was the most popular app the last time this website was up and running. As its biggest fans surely know, since its latest release, I've worked on a new version. A version that not only offered a wallpaper downloader, but also a wallpaper manager and even a theme creator. As the title already stated and the downloads area can prove, that version will most probably not see the light of day. Why? Simply put, there's no point, if you ask me.

TV Episodes Renamer Main Window
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Most apps found on this website were created because no other software offered the same functionality. At first sight, that might not be true for TV Episodes Renamer and as far as the basic features are concerned, sure, there are other alternatives. Heck, at this point, a few of them are far more powerful. However, looking only at the basic features wouldn't be fair.

While some apps were created for the community - since I don't use them as often as others do - I've started working on TV Episodes Renamer because I really needed a program with everything this software has to offer now. This project probably involved writing more code than all the other apps combined, so it shouldn't be a surprise to anyone that its story began a long time ago - in 2015 if my memory serves me right.

Portable Software Updater Screenshot
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As its fans surely know, Portable Software Updater stopped working a while back - not because of an actual bug in the application, but a switch in the way software was updated using the PortableApps.com platform/launcher: a switch from plain text to an archived text file. Obviously, this new release fixes that simple problem and a few other minor issues.

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