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apatheia_jane's Journal
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Created on 2009-08-21 11:26:00 (#439687), last updated 2022-10-23 (115 weeks ago)
2,152 comments received, 259 comments posted
1,106 Journal Entries, 72 Tags, 0 Memories, 13 Icons Uploaded
I'm Andy, a queer ace nonbinary fannish knitter & ecologist. Jane is my deadname, and this is a journal that I didn't update for nearly 10 years while some of that was becoming true. I might be back now, but mostly I'm a lurker here.
aflw, afrofuturism, asexuality, biodiversity, crafting, douglas adams, ecology, ethical sustenance, fandom, knitting, lgbtiq, nk jemisin, polyamory, productive gardens, queer characters, queer community, sens8, sustainability, the mountain goats, tmg
People [View Entries]
luminosity, synecdochic
[] astolat, biggaydorm, bradhicks, comeoutcomeout, dushtiche, entangled-now, firesignwriter, fliboing, grahame, hamsterine, hth-the-first, iamsab, johanirae, killabeez, lelial, likethesun2, macadamanaity, mexicanjewlizrd, mpfl, nekomancy, norah, omg-palindrome, paperclipbitch, rageprufrock, rome-o, sea-wolf, senorsqiggles, seperis, shaalwyd, shaggydogstail, soundescape, swear-jar, synecdochic, thefourthvine, thefuschianun, traveller, trinityofone, utopos
abyssinia, amireal, astolat, bethbethbeth, cesperanza, eruthros, frostfire, giddygeek, green_grrl, heresluck, hth, janedavitt, laurashapiro, luminosity, melannen, melusina, merryish, minervacat, monanotlisa, morgandawn, sam_storyteller, seperis, such_heights, svmadelyn, synecdochic, thedeadparrot, thefourthvine, thingswithwings, toomuchplor
Communities [View Entries]
accessibility_fail, asexual_fandom, asexy_who, chromaticheroes, dirkgently, fancake, fandomacademia, festivids, game_of_thrones, green_living, knitting, note_to_self, ourflagmeansgay, poetry, storyfinders, thehonorofgrayskull, thevault, thriftycooking, vidders_arsenal, vidding, white_collar
accessibility_fail, asexual_fandom, asexy_who, bestthingever, cap_chronism, chromaticheroes, community_tv, cox_and_co, dirkgently, dw_community_promo, dw_maintenance, dw_news, environment, fancake, fandomacademia, festivids, firstpersonporn, game_of_thrones, green_living, holmes_watson, homeeconomics101, iconic, in_a_pickle, knitting, metafandom, oldbooks, otw_news, permaculture, poetry, pornday, post_tumblr_fandom, queering_holmes, sherlockbbc, sherlockvids, spanish_luck, storyfinders, thehonorofgrayskull, thriftycooking, veni_vidi_vids, vidders_arsenal, vidding
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