A Libyan diplomat reportedly seen firing a machine gun from the country's embassy in London on the day WPC Yvonne Fletcher died has been named for the first time.
An eyewitness said he saw Abdulmagid Salah Ameri shooting from the building after demonstrators opposed to the rule of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi gathered outside in April 1984.
Further, Dispatches suggested that it was possible the fatal shooting, which happened during a barrage of shots that also wounded 11 anti-Gaddafi protesters (but not Guma El Gamaty), could have come from an adjacent building used by the British 'Security Services'.
Murder in St James"On Dispatches this week and next, back on the trail of one of the most important investigations the programme has mounted. Dramatic new evidence on the killing of policewoman Yvonne Fletcher in London's St James' Square.
Tonight: How the official version of the events behind her murder cannot be true. How she can not have been shot from the Libyan Embassy."
Investigation into the murder of WPC Yvonne Fletcher, who was shot whilst on duty during a protest outside the Libyan Embassy in 1984. The two-part documentary suggests that she was killed, not by someone inside the Embassy as originally claimed, but by a gunman in an adjacent building used by the British security services.
The film probes deeper, and finds evidence indicating that the murder was carried out by an anti-Gaddafi terrorist organisation backed by the CIA.
By killing a British police officer and blaming Gaddafi's Libya, the plan, it seems, was to start a coup in order to remove Gaddafi and install a puppet regime to seize Libya's oil.Channel 4, Dispatches, Murder in St James's - Part 1
Channel 4, Dispatches, Murder in St James's - Part 2
Yet still the only dictatorship we hear about is the apparent dictatorship of Gaddafi. Factor in the State and media's glorification of 'the rebels' looting sprees in Libya, compare them with the same organisations' condemnation of the petty looting that occurred during the UK riots and the irony and hypocrisy at play by those that endeavour to maintain both positions simultaneously is as magnificently majestic in its bestial nature as it is sickening and stomach churning.
If anyone remains in awe of how many on the anti-Capitalist and anti-Imperialist left have been so completely wrong-footed in their analysis of events in Libya, and whom they have elected to support in the carefully manufactured Libyan conflict, suggested avenues of further investigation are minority 'special interest' groups such as the British Libyan Solidarity Campaign. The BLSC curiously launched itself at Marxism 2006 of all places and, five years later, still doesn't have its own Wikipedia entry. However, its efforts have been primarily dedicated to cognitive infiltration of 'the left' to market and manufacture consent for the Anglo-American, NATO, French, Italian, etc. attempts to overthrow Gaddafi, in tandem with their combined efforts to eradicate the rights and sovereignty of the Libyan people.
Similar scepticism and reference to the facts, such as they can be known to be, should also be exercised in connection with repeated mentions of the alleged Lockerbie bomber, Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi.