“Sex is what makes us human” is stupid. Almost every species fucks. Humans are the only species that jumps motorcycles over school buses that are on fire. Some other things too probably
i think the key difference between george lucas’s star wars and disney’s star wars is that lucas is a man with an ideology. someone with a point of view, and all that entails. which comes with ideas of revolution, anti-imperialism, challenging the status quo, cultural appropriation and racist stereotypes. complex and contradictory ideas because that’s how artists are: complex and complicated people. disney is not. disney is a corporation. a corporation can’t have ideology, because ideology defeats the purpose of profit. and when the only thing you do is to turn on the movie manufacturing machine before you sit down and plan what ideas are you trying to convey to the audience, then your results are going to be washed out corporate garbage. and because when you’re a giant corporation who only cares about selling to the widest audience possible, you can’t take sides. you can’t decide on an idea. because you want to sell your product to people who are on the entire political spectrum. which results in movies without ideology, without purpose, without soul.
I have been looking for this post for years after I came across it and it’s finally here and I need to reblog this because it is absolutely and entirely accurate.
I need to share this recent huge trans ppl win in poland cus its kinda funny
So to change your legal name (that’s not of your asab gender) and your gender in your legal papers before you had to sue your parents here. And Zbigniew Ziobro, right wing politican, asked, shouldn’t trans people also sue their children and partners if they’re married? The case went to the Supreme Court, which ruled that actually, trans people shouldn’t have to sue anyone.
So I’m not sure if it’s already in use but yeah. Huge win. Transition never been easier here!! It was so unexpected. He literally helped us more than any left wing politican. 😭😭
went to an honest to god gym for the first time today and had a nice 75 minute workout. It was good and I liked the gym and will probably go back but it was pretty funny exercising next to all the guys and watching them do harder work outs when they saw me. I start running on the treadmill and the guy who had been power walking next to me goes up to run as well and didnt stop till I did 20 mins later. and then got right off the treadmill while i started to power walk. And every time I set a weight higher than the guy next to me he’d immediately change his weight to higher than mine. Like it was honestly really fucking funny to me like man the competition is real for these little guys huh