Wikipǣdia:Gecorene gemynddagas/26 Mædmonað
26. dæg Mædmonðes : Scrōf Tīwesdæg on Westernum Crīstendōme;Sundorrīcesdæg in Liberian (1847) and on þǣm Maldifīegum (1965)
- 811 - Pulgarisc þreat hƿæs heretoga ƿæs Crum Khan hæfede sige ƿiþ Constantinopolis infarung in þǣre Plisca Beadƿe, ācƿellode Cāsere of Constantinopolis Nikephoros I and geaf heaþuglemm his sune and gecasere Staurakios.
- 1139 - Æfter sige ofer the Almoravinga Mauras in þǣre Ourique Beadƿe ƿeard Afonso Gehīersumiend sƿa secgð man se ǣrresta Portugal Cyning ofer Portugle sunderrīce.
- 1822 - José de San Martín mētede Simón Bolívar in Guayaquil ðe hie cræften for Sūðamerican forþgesceaft.
- 1887 - L. L. Zamenhof gesƿutelode Unua Libro, þe ƿæs sēo forma bōc þe atealde Esperanto mangeƿrohted gereord.
- 1953 - Fidel Castro læd sigelēas onræs on Moncada Hereƿice, and þærbe ongann he þā Cubanisce Upbhebbung.