Ince wæron folc on Suðamerican Scrælingum se ricsode micel rice be westen Andes þæm beorgum beforan þære ylde þære Spena Tocyme.
Þes folces gereord wæs Quechua. In þisse reord het hiera rice Tawantinsuyu se is "feower dalas ætgædre“. Inca rice wæs American mæst rice beforan þære Spena Tocyme. His heafodstol wæs æt Cusco þære byrig. Þis rice aras on þæm beorgum in Perwe ær in þæm þrietiene@ gearhunde. His endmesta burg wæs be Speoniscum wigan gehiersumod in 1572.
Fram 1438 to 1533, Ince gehiersumoden micel landscipe andlang westernum Suþamerican of wicum in Andes þæm beorgum. Æt his mæstum bradnesse aspreade þis rice in þæm landum þa nu hetaþ Peru, western Ecwador, western and suðern Bolifia, norðwestern Argentina, norðern Cile, and in Colombie westsuðernum gar. Þæs cynedomes gereord wæs Quechua.