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dessus oben alto up

by Andrea Belfi & Jules Reidy

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    - Printed artwork on reverse-board sleeve.
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    Includes unlimited streaming of dessus oben alto up via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
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dessus 05:34
oben 10:14
alto 08:34
up 15:07


Marionette is pleased to present dessus oben alto up, the first collaborative recording by Andrea Belfi and Jules Reidy. Hailing from different ends of the globe (Australia and Italy) but both longtime residents of Berlin, Reidy and Belfi’s approaches have much in common, bringing together compositional precision and electroacoustic rigour with improvisation freedom, the immediate gratifications of rhythmic pulse, and an overtly lyrical sensibility. Working together during a residency at the sound studio of Berlin’s Callie’s, an arts institution housed in a 19th century machine factory, the pair (with Marco Anulli manning the desk) have conjured up four expansive pieces where the beautifully recorded percussive clarity of Belfi’s drums threads through a sparkling haze of guitars and electronics.

Opener ‘dessus’ begins with Reidy’s distinctive just-intoned guitar figures, shimmering over a delicate substratum of Befli’s brushwork and bass drum accents. As in all of Reidy’s recent work, the guitar is twisted out of cliché by the unfamiliar tuning and electronic processing. Hanging almost inaudibly in the background for much of the piece, a rush of synthetic tones surges into the foreground to end it. ‘oben’ is built from kinetic patterns of picked guitar arpeggios, locking into irregular grooves with Belfi’s drums, which move from elegant rolls and cymbal patter to driving closed hi-hats and explosive rock interjections. Around the traditional instruments and across the stereo field, electronic sounds swarm and swirl, fizzing and popping in a sun-drenched soundscape that at points suggests both vintage analogue synth destruction and glitching harmonies. ‘alto’ begins in similar territory but turned up a notch, eventually settling into a propulsive 6/8 groove of shifting drum accents, manically strummed 12 string acoustic, and burbling synth chords.

The B side is dedicated to the fifteen-minute ‘up’, where the strategies adopted on the other pieces are put in the service of a more relaxed, slowly unfolding epic. Anchored by a steady pulse throughout, the piece combines chiming guitars, dubbed-out bass lines and constantly adjusted percussive details into a complex flux of sound. Change is at once so subtle and so ever-present that, at any given moment, the listener can never be entirely sure quite how they got there.

Music by Andrea Belfi and Jules Reidy
Recorded at Callie's by Marco Anulli
Additional recording at Studio Distante
Mixed and Mastered by Joe Talia
Cut by Noel Summerville
Artwork by Andreas Bauer

Dedicated to Dean Roberts


released November 8, 2024


all rights reserved



Andrea Belfi & Jules Reidy Berlin, Germany

Collaborative project by Italian electro-acoustic musician Andrea Belfi and songwriter, producer/composer and guitarist, Jules Reidy.

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