Server Rack Temperature | サイバーエージェント 公式エンジニアブログ


 暑い日が続いていますが、エンジニアの皆さんの担当するサービスのサーバは無事でしょうか? M.S.と某氏は以前の職場で、データセンターの空調問題に悩まされ、サーバの熱を冷ますために、シャーシを開けたり、あおいだりして、安定化させた経験があります...いえ、効果があったんですよ、実際。




Hey there, M.S. here.

With the recent hot weather continuing unabated, are all the servers alright? I had some interesting experiences cooling down servers at my previous work place. We had some very troublesome servers, in order to cool the servers down we ended up opening the chassis and using fans... Yes, definitely unorthodox,
but this actually worked! Well, while the above might not be an average experience, we do have some cooling issues at Ameba as well. For example, the image server's raid cards ended up messing up the flow of air within the server, resulting in cooling issues.

While we are on the topic of cooling, from an infrastructure engineers point of view, reducing electricity consumption has many merits. Firstly, it reduced heat output, secondly, the reduced heat output implies
being able to put more servers into a given space. Given these two points, it seems only natural that infrastructure engineers have a keener interest in reducing electricity consumption than normal people.

On that note, this week's report is an excerpt from a research report on rack electricity consumption.

That's all for this this week. Enjoy the report!