Hattori-san's report | サイバーエージェント 公式エンジニアブログ



 さて、今回のエントリはお馴染みHattori氏。秋葉原ラボの人数も徐々に増えて、10人を越えるまでになっています。弊社らしからぬ、秋葉原らしからぬ? 静まり返った職場で働きたいという方、ぜひ応募してみてください。


Hey there, M.S. here. I'm now writing this article at the Akihabara Labo.

The long term project of reforming the company's internal systems has been progressing steadily. However, we are having trouble finding much needed, capable Windows engineers. While we have comparatively little trouble recruiting capable Linux engineers, Windows engineers on the other hand...Does anyone out there use PowerShell? What is everyone's thoughts on PowerShell and being a Windows engineer?

This brings us to this weeks entry. This week's entry is by the ever friendly Mr. Hattori from Akihabara Labo. Akihabara Labo's staff has been steadily increasing and has finally passed the 10 person mark. The atmosphere at Akihabara Labo feels quite different from the atmosphere at the CyberAgent head office and the atmosphere in the rest of Akihabara. Enought to make you feel you are in a different place altogether. If you are interested in working in a very calm, quiet and relaxed environment, please try and apply for a
position at Akihabara Labo!

That is it for this week!