monetize :収益化する、お金に変える
douche bag :嫌なヤツ
crap load :ガラクタの負担、重荷
flip :ひっくり返す
Freemium :フリーミアム、基本的に無料のだが一定以上のサービスには課金する
legacy :遺産、子孫に何を残すか
non-scalable :拡張のしようがない
reap :刈り取る
Noid :ドミノズ・ピザのキャラクター
brand equity :ブランド資産価値
niche :得意分野
I'm In Like With You :オンラインゲームのサイト
authentic :本物の
heartthrob :憧れの的
First and for most, I really want to thank everybody. This is outrageously humbling. Every single person in this room, since you're here, there's no doubt in my mind that you're going to kill it.
And that's what I want to talk about today, PP. I really want to talk about this. Patience and Passion. Let’s start with passion. There's way too many people in this room right now that are doing stuff they hate. Please stop doing that. There is no reason in 2008 to do s**t you hate. None. Promise me you won't because you can lose just as much money being happy as hell. Clap that off 'cause it's a real s**t. You know I took over my family business. I was doing a couple million dollars a year and over a seven-year period I built it into a $50M company, turned thirty, freaked out and decided I wanted to do something else. (Get out of my face) And so I saw Ze Frank, Amanda Conner, Rocket Boom doing all that and said, pshoo, I can do that s**t. So that's what I decided I want to do. I became 1% not happy selling wine. One. And that's when I changed my life. I started Wine Library TV in February. I had to do the holiday thing and all that but... and that's where this all started.
And by the way, talking about patience, everybody said 'oh Gary this is all great, you did it. But you you're so handsome and charismatic, I can't do that s**t.' You know, and I was like 'Listen.' Seventeen months, I don't know if you know this but seventeen months you saw Fred say 2006 you've just about me yesterday. Seventeen months, I did Wine Library TV five days a week, walked away from being CEO of my company, running that stuff, watching it dip. For seven years it grew 24% every month against a month from the year before. And I walked away started Wine Library TV and I became part of the community.
Let's talk about community. Listen to your users like Fred said. Absolutely. But giving a s**t about your users is way better. People listen but they don't do anything. Doing something. Answering those emails. Giving a crap. Caring about your user base. That's what you need to do. You need to care about everything and it starts with yourself. Look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself, 'What do I want to do every day for the rest of my life?' Do that. I promise that you can monetize that. If you want Alf, do an Alf blog. If you want Smurfs, Smurf it up. Whatever you need to do, do it.
So many people are talking about "I can't monetize. I can't monetize" There's a billion seventy year old douche bags that are in control right now. But that number two person, that 34-year old lady, she’s gonna buy your s**t. She's gonna put the advertising on your stuff. It's coming, stop crying, and just keep hustling. Hustle is the most important word. Ever. And that's what you need to do. You need to work so hard. Guys, we're building businesses here. This isn't about parties. We're building businesses. I used to work in a liquor store from 7 in the morning to 10 at night for seven straight years and the only days I took of were to watch the New York Jets. And you know what that did? It made me throw up on myself. So that wasn't a vacation.
And that gave me a platform, a stepping stone. The reason I was able to start Wine Library TV was because I built up this business that gave me the equity, the cash flow to do it. You need to hustle. You have to have a business model. Getting a crap load of users and flipping it is not a business model. Make some cash along the way. Thank you for clapping. Make some cash along the way. You know, Fred and I, Fred Wilson who spoke earlier, he was pretty solid but a little boring but you know, we had coffee the other day and I was like trying to be cool, like "Fred, I'm so about Freemium," a word my brother AJ loves. You know, Freemium, right. Have a Freemium, a free platform but have something to pay for. And Fred looks at me and goes, "I coined that phrase." I just wanted to say that 'cause he's so cool.
I want you to think about something. I did a video about this on garyvaynerchuk.com. I always say that legacy is greater than currency. Has everybody completely grasped that your great, great, great, grand children are going to watch and see everything you've even done? I think about that every single day. I want my grand kids to be proud of me. My mom did such a good job raising me. Do you know what I hustle about? I hustle about meeting every single person on earth. Do you know why? Because most people who don't really know me think I'm a loud, obnoxious, East Coast guy. Why is this guy here, he's a wine guy, he's a dick. But when they meet me they can see that I care. I got lucky my DNA is weird. I care more about people more I care about myself. You know my gift is my curse kind of thing and that's helped me quite a bit because, listen, it is not fun answering what wine goes with fish 74 times a day. It's not. I produce the most non-scalable apps on Earth. When Facebook launched apps, I was like, "What should we do?" You know what, what do a Facebook app called Ask Gary. You ask me a wine question and I answer it. That was 8 hours a day for a month. That sucked. And even worse, I wouldn't let anybody answer them except me. I answer every one of my emails. 700 to a thousand a day. This is why I travel so much, the only place I catch up is on the air. You know, on my air, which is kinda cool, and in the air. So, that is the only way for me to keep up with it. Honestly, the only thing I fear in the world is internet on planes. Right? Dave, I'm telling you once that happens I'm dead. I’m gonna retire from email.
I don't know, you know, I'm sitting up here and I'm thinking, I’m like "What can I say? What can I do?" You know what I really hope is just for people to be happy. Honestly. We are sitting where the gatekeepers are no longer in control. Guys, I was in my office in the dirty Jose(?), right. And I started taping Wine Library TV. Now I'm reaped by CAA, the biggest talent agency. I mean they reap Oprah, Tom Cruise and Beckham and me. That's a joke. I mean how did they find out? How did I book Conan and Ellen and FrontPage, Wall Street Journal, Time Magazine? All of them without an agent, without a PR person. If you're pumping out good s**t, people will follow. But if you, for a second, a half a second, don't believe in what you're doing, whether it's your personal brand or the product you represent, you need to get out now. Please. Can you guys promise me that? I'll give you like 8 bucks each.
We only get to play this game one time. One life. And I just really hope that people really understand. You know, I'm excited because, for example Monday, I gave a key note in Vegas to all the franchisee owners of Domino's Pizza. Yeah. I told them two things. One, you guys are f**ked. They are. They're in the franchise. I mean they can't do anything. Everything I believe in they can't do. And two, bring back the Noid. That was it. That was the only two things I told them. Thank you. Why did the Noid get such a big response? I need to use that more often.
My fundamental hope is that people understand that this is business. Really I do. Way too many people running around town, not understanding what we're doing. Two, understand that the game is changing. I've turned down 40 television deals. Why? Not because I think I'm a big shot, mainly, actually just a little bit, but mainly I'm waiting for a bigger opportunity because there's no reason for me to share the equity. My content is mine. The way everything is changing it is unbelievable. I mean, everybody's gonna be consuming content everywhere and in different platforms. And the people that control the newspaper, television or radio are no longer in control. And that is a huge factor that people have not totally wrapped their head around.
You need to build brand equity. It's about brand equity. In yourself? In yourself, because you never know what could happen, right? Lehman Brothers.... anything can happen. this whole space is gonna crash next year. I mean awesome, huge opportunities. Get Ready. But if you have brand equity, but if you have brand equity, you will be fine. There is never a bad time when you believe, when you work hard and when you know what you're doing. But you have, this is where it's crucial, you have to do what you love. Because let me tell you something, doing what I do sucks. 18 hours a day, 78 flights this year already, answering every email - "What wine goes with beef?" - I don't know, dude. Whatever you like, you know. I mean it gets tough, but if you love it, you will win. I love people, that is a huge advantage for me. Get out there and network. People are people... people are the people that are gonna help you. The only way to succeed now is to be completely transparent. Completely, everything is exposed. Everything you do. So your legacy is your ultimate life. It's all you've got. And you can build so much on that. When you have brand equity, anything can happen.
I leverage my brand equity, get more exposure for PleaseDressMe, the t-shirt search engine. It got covered in a lot of places. That was my brand equity, If tomorrow Zuck's launching a new social network and there's beta, you want in. Don't lie. That's brand equity. You gotta think about that. Plus what's very imperative to me right now is using the tools. Way too many people are trying to figure out what tools should I use... Should I use Twitter? Pound? Should I use Jaiku? You know. Which tools should I use? All of them. Your user base and the people that care about you. You need to connect with them anyway you can, everywhere you can, as often as you can. That is essential. That interaction. We're humans. You know. Look at reality TV. That's about as real as, pshooo... that s**t is not real. But still we like it 'cause it's somewhat real. This other stuff is very real. The place where we play is very real. And it's a massive, massive opportunity. I hope people will wrap their head around that because we are going through a gold rush of branding. In the old days, to become a brand you needed a lot of mainstream media attention. But now, if you get talked about enough in these social webs, blogs - you can get there. You can build your brand, your company's brand. but it all starts in that first moment when you look in the mirror. First moment. What do I want to do? What do I want to do? I'm so hot on that. So many people will kill it if they do. And I don't care how small your niche is. For example, I'm killing it with wine video, right? You don't want to compete with me. None of you. But, I'm serious, but there is an absolute opportunity for somebody to come out with a Pinot Geigio hour. I'm serious. Niches can go crazy. If you love sports, you can do that. Where is sports center? I would watch that all day, two people doing sports center everyday. There's so many video blog opportunities it shocks me that there are bigger opportunities, bigger people doing it. They're coming but you have to understand we're in a gold rush, somebody's gonna get it and you're not gonna have a shot.
So if you have a feel, if you wanna do it... I don't want to hear about this nine to five bulls**t. What's that? You're quitting? Nice. I don't want to hear about this two job thing. Right, nine to five, I don't have time. If you want this, if you're miserable, or if you don't like it or you want to do something else and you have a passion somewhere else. Work nine to five. Spend a couple hours with your family. Seven to two in the morning is plenty of time to do damage. But that's it. It's not going to happen any other way. You're not going to make stickers and give out swag and everyone is going to give a s**t about your site. I got wristbands. That is the key.
Patience, There's a site I'm very fascinated with: I'm In Like With You. I think about it all the time, actually, randomly. It's a site that I believe should be a killer. You know, gaming is just so on the verge of exploding. The guy, Charles, he's got it. He's got that "it" factor. He's a little bit of a douche bag nut he's got it, right? And he loves being a douche bag. He's so authentic, I love him for that. He's who he is. And he's hustling and he's trying. I'm telling you, if he's patient enough and the right moment strikes, that site is gonna be huge. And there's so many sites out there that are obvious to me and too many people giving up, there's so many people giving up because they don't believe and/or.. and please stop doing this by the way, while I'm at it... stop saying "Well, we're the Facebook plus Digg minus Flickr and del.iscio.us on the flip side." That's horses**t. Do what you're about, please. I'm done.
And I'm done because I want… you know, Jason Freed is awesome. Do you guys like Jason Freed? Clap it up. And he's a heartthrob a little bit, right, he's a little heartthrob. Him and I have been talking about doing this little Q&A tour. We're putting the final touches. We're just gonna sit and answer questions 12 hours a day that's why he did Q&A and I got a buck twenty seven thing to answer questions. Please raise your hand and ask a question. I will give you money.
Anybody? Yes? What did he say?
Oh tomorrow? Yes. I like how you're trying to plug our event. Yes, I'm doing a tasting tomorrow.
Yeah, go ahead. What was that? Anything? Money?
Yes, thank you. How do you get money to do what you love? You don't, right? I lost a s**tload of money when I started doing what I loved. What you do is you position yourself to succeed. So for example, if you're doing something else and you want to do this thing you love, you do it after hours. You work 9 to 6, you get home, you kiss the dog and you go to town. Right? I mean you start building your equity or your brand or anything you want to accomplish after hours. Everybody has time, stop watching f**king Lost. That was a good overheard, right? That was a good overheard. So, you know what I mean? If you want this, if you want bling bling, if you want to buy the jets, you wanna do s**t, work! That's how you get it.
That's all I got. There's just nothing else to say. One more question. One more. It's free.
I love you. Thank you.