amarie24: (Default)
Trust in a Winter Kiss (12452 words) by AmarieMelody
Chapters: 1/?
Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Shinsou Hitoshi, Eri (My Hero Academia), Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Midoriya Inko, Original Characters
Additional Tags: holiday fic, (VERY belated holiday fic!!), bkdk - Freeform, bakudeku, Established Relationship, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, Izuku Midorya swears a little too, Protective BKDK, soft bkdk, Fluff and Humor

A belated BakuDeku holiday/Christmas fic wherein all Izuku Midorya needs is a true love's kiss.

...And all Katsuki Bakugo needs is to believe in a true love's kiss.

A belated Xmas fic with some angst, hurt, comfort, humor, and a whole lot of love and cheer.

...I am nervous. Tired. Mostly nervous, haha.
amarie24: (Eating/entertained Misty Knight)
I posted this as an addition to someone else's post on Tumblr. It's about encouraging people to stop reading books and other things they don't like. As an avid reader myself who is also guilty of this (can you imagine?!), I added onto the post, talking about why I think people do this.

Copy and pasted below!

If I may add to this, as someone who's a lifelong avid reader and still guilty of stubbornly continuing reading things that don't bring me pleasure, enjoyment, or even mild interest? And I do this as someone who's also aware of the above?

I think the reason-or at least part of the reason-so many of us still do this as adults has to do with how school and even sometimes our families have raised us to relate to reading.
As much as I have always loved, loved, loved, loved to read, I don't think I'm alone in the experience of having it drilled into my head during grade school years that you read To Get A Good Job As An Adult, you read to Be Intelligent Enough To Pass Standardized Tests, you read to Be One Of The Good Kids That Stay Quiet/Out Of The Way, you read So Your Teacher Gets Praise From Other Teachers And The Admin.

You read for every reason except for your own pleasure.

I will say I think I was one of the lucky ones who was born to a mother who raised me from infancy to indulge in reading as a pleasure first and foremost.

My mother is the reason I was already reading at 2-years-old and loving it.

Nevertheless, I also spent a lot of time in grade school with my peers reading books that I Absolutely Did Not Enjoy for the above implications. Most of the books I hated were during the high school years-I read more Shakespeare than I had the patience for let alone gave a shit about; I slogged through goddamn "Huckleberry Finn" until I couldn't take it anymore and just cheated by reading the Sparknotes; and I detested "The Old Man and the Sea" to the point where I would read it if I needed help falling asleep.

Worked every time.

But because I always finished these books, did well on the assignments, and received praise from my teachers...I too internalized that Reading Has Nothing To Do With Pleasure.

Fast-forward to my adulthood in my 30s aaaaaand...yeah. I've still internalized continuing to read books I don't like. Sometimes I justify it by saying "Well, I already paid for it" or "Well, I'm already halfway through it", but I understand both of those are simply sunk cost fallacy.

I also still hear my old teachers' voices telling me I'm doing all of the above things that a Good Kid Does by continuing to read with no pleasure. And if I'm able to finish the book, there's a part of me that's still that little kid waiting for that shiny sticker, candy bag, star, A+ grade, etc. for a "job well-done"...even though none off those things are coming and as an adult, I don't need them to come.

Though there's much to be said for the benefits of reading (if someone actually enjoys it) and the general failure of the U.S public education system in our peoples' analytical skills, critical thinking, and a general ability to read between the lines. Avid reading as a pastime can help with that, if you personally want it to.

Being an adult can be fun and full of things you want to do...but it's also already more than full of things you don't want to do.

And I firmly believe that, as much as possible, reading should be one of the things that you want to do.

The school assignments are over-you can enjoy yourself now.

Hearing is WONDERFUL!!!

Wednesday, April 10th, 2024 07:33 pm
amarie24: (Celebrating Tiana)
Posted this on my Tumblr yesterday, so now I'm sharing it here!

So I finally got the courage to get my hearing aids today and...

Holy shit, I cannot overstate how much I cried and cried and cried and in sheer awe in my audiologist's office.

(Long story short, I've had mild-to-quite-moderate hearing issues long as I can remember. It took me a metric shit ton of courage (and a steady job for the money, once again Fuck U.S Healthcare) to admit I needed and deserved help. I could still feel the stigma, but didn't need to give in to it. My audiologist has been endlessly patient with me as I mulled this big, big decision these past few months.)

(Con't.: To confirm my bravery, I asked my audiologist if there were pink hearing aids available, and if so could she order them for me. She squealed with enthusiasm and promised me she would do so. So I got the pink hearing aids. They are a beautiful soft rose-colored pink and my audiologist ooh'd and aww'd for me as she fitted them over my ears.)


It was...kinda-sorta uncomfortable when my audiologist (I'll call her Em) turned them on because there was initially static and then everything Sounded Fucking Different And Too Loud And Is That The Air Conditioner, Why.

The first thing I heard with my new hearing aids was Em's voice asking me how I was hearing things and how I felt.

She smiled big because I know my eyes popped wide. Em's and everything else in her office sounded so crisp and clear and amazing. For the very first time in my life, I could make out consonants.

She turned down the volume for me when I asked and reassured me this would be a huge adjustment for my life and we'd be making follow-up visits to continue to monitor and titrate the hearing aids as needed.

But during the appointment today my hearing aids have felt overwhelmingly new but perfect.

So I only had to ask her to repeat something about 1x instead of my usual average of 2-3x, sometimes up to 4x.

I almost immediately started crying and Em automatically put the tissue box near me. I wiped my eyes and blew my nose and...

I found that I hate the sound of blowing my nose. So, so loud and unpleasant.

But tissue...makes a sound when you crinkle it/rub it together.

Tissue makes the most amazing crhh-shh-crhh-cruhh sound when you rub it together.

I kept rubbing it and rubbing it and crinkling it and crinkling it and Em just smiled, smiled, smiled in delight for me.

Some things...I found I didn't like with my new hearing aids. I don't like the elevator. I don't like doors because they may creak. I don't like the sound of driving and the traffic outside (it's like...a roar present in the background?).

But I love, love, love the sound of my blinker (I didn't know it had a sound!!!). I love the sound of people's voices that I've been listening to for a long time sounding crisp and clear. I love the sound of my purse when I rub the side. I love the sound of birds chirping. I love the sound of the elevator button when I press it.


Tissue makes a sound when you rub it together. And birds chirp and squeak all day.

It's like...hearing color for the first time. You get to have the world's color in your ears for the first time, like most everybody else.

It's all loud and clear as thunder, but oh what a beautiful thunder.

Bonus Updates, as I practice wiring my brain to get used to my hearing aids by walking around the house with them!

1. Tissue still crinkles when I rub/crumple it together
2. The air conditioner is terrifyingly loud. Like...a terrible, ominous roar right over my head, especially when I'm standing in the hallway (instead of a gentle sound of blowing around me without my hearing aids). I 'bout had a heart attack.
3. I'm washing my new scrubs for the work week and...I don't think I'll be wearing my hearing aids on Laundry Days.
4. The fridge has a hum! The attached freezer and my mom's chest freezer have an even stronger hum!! Such a pretty hum!
5. I will not be wearing my hearing aids on Laundry Days.
6. The coffee pot makes adorable gurgle-gurrg-gurrrg-blurp-blurp-blurp sounds! I think it's my fav sound alongside tissue!!
7. I will not be wearing my hearing aids on Laundry Days.
8. Light switches have a little click when you flip them on!
9. The coffee pot. Is. Adorable!!
amarie24: (Celebrating Tiana)
Trigger Warning: Food Mention

We met on the dating site H.E.R after chatting for over a month and though I was terrified of my 1st date as a bisexual woman, I'm also so, so very proud of myself for going thru with it.

Overall, my date was so very kind, attentive, funny, and pretty! She gave me a warm, tight hug when we met outside the burger joint; we chatted casually as we waited in line (she thought I was shy at first...and I was!!); she insisted I order first; she likes her iced tea sweet like I do.

She likes vanilla milkshakes with whipped cream and I like cheer-wine floats; she shared chicken wings with me and I shared french fries with her; when I teased her that she's nasty for liking bleu cheese dip, she unironically bought me hot pleasantly mild sauce for my fries and insisted it was mine; we both made each other burst out laughing with personal stories and anecdotes; we shared some minor pain with respect; she likes red and sportswear and I like pink and Barbie; she gave me an even bigger, tighter hug at the end of the date...the kind that makes my ribs hurt a little and makes my back feel squished.

Just the kind of hug I like.

She thinks I'm adorable as anything.

I'm not too sure where it's all going to go yet, but I cannot wait for our 2nd date to a movie next week! Gah!

amarie24: (Celebrating Tiana)
Goodness, I just about forgot to post this here!!

I feel...immensely proud of myself for making it this far and having a good, steady feeling in my heart that I will continue to make it.

I feel tired but still young, and very, very much excited for what's to come!

Love and miss you guys!!


Went to Pride Again!

Saturday, June 24th, 2023 11:52 pm
amarie24: (Default)
I felt really pretty and really safe. I...still could only feel safe enough to do this incognito while volunteering for my job. But I got there in time to see the parade (dancers! mermaids! bubbles! sparkles! colors!!).

I stayed way longer than last year for my job, too-from about 9:30 to 3pm. It wasn't as hot as it could been and otherwise it was so worth it!!

And here's a Mango Tango ice cream treat I waited a whole year to have again. Good GRACIOUS, it's a special treat with mango, strawberries, and bananas with whipped cream at the top; shaved ice in the middle; and freakin' ice cream that is so delicious as it partially melts on the bottom!!

Happy Pride, everybody!!
amarie24: (Celebrating Tiana)
I shared this over on my Tumblr, but I should be reviving this blog of mine over here!

So last night, with the great encouragement of Silver and Azz, I finally baked my salted caramel cookies! See below!!


The day after Christmas, I bought this salted caramel cookie mix, and then last weekend I bought some semi-sweet chocolate chips to add to it. Yum, yum, yum!!




(Don’t worry-I kept my hand safely out of the direct heat!)



Oohhh, they were getting bigger and bigger…


Tada and freakin’ delish!!!!! Gah!!!!

I took 4 to share with my coworkers today and I got quite a few compliments! They're totally delicious and I am so, so, so very proud of myself!!

Can't wait to see what I bake next!
amarie24: (Casual Tiana)
"I’m sorry you’ve been burnt out with your mom and sister for years-it’s never a good thing to reach burnout. But you don’t have to feel bad because burnout can also be freeing-it can free you from expecting someone to give you things they just can’t.

And you can focus on the people who can."

--My therapist, during this evening’s session
amarie24: (Celebrating Tiana)

Made an omelette on a griddle (girdle?) for the first time ever!

And for the first time ever...I finally burnt/blackened an egg after believing one couldn’t do that! See the middle of the back of my omelette? Teehee! It...tastes more flavorful, but probably because I put a little more pam spray in the griddle than was needed? (And the edges got kinda Drowned In There, and that’s how I burnt the middle of my omelette by was trying to get the edges to cook.)

It does look like a pretty, fancy sear, tho, and I can’t wait to try it again! Anyone have any tips for my next time? :D
amarie24: (Celebrating Tiana)
Holy shit, I done forgot to post this over here...

But I finally bought a car on August 24th!! Take a looksie!



Ohhh, happy day, happy day! What a blessing!!!


Letting go of Control

Saturday, June 18th, 2022 08:37 pm
amarie24: (Sad Tiana)
You know, I’ve had a hard-won lesson that’s been creeping up on me since my late 20s, especially when dealing with my mother and sisters’ neuroses (particularly when it comes to the men they choose in their lives): not being in control/not being able to control something doesn’t automatically mean you’re powerless or helpless.

It quite often feels that way and for good reason, but I’m learning that’s not automatically what it means.

When you have control over something, that also means you’re responsible for it-you’re accountable for it. And so when you’re not in control, it means you can and should abdicate all responsibility and accountability for the situation. You don’t have to blame yourself; you don’t have to ruminate on why x person didn’t listen to you; you don’t have to stay stuck on “If only x happened at y time!”; you don’t have to let it define or even partially shape you.

You can let that go; you can drop that. It was never something for you to carry and it never will be.

I’m not preaching from the soapbox-it’s still extremely difficult for me to let a lot of things go, especially when it comes to people I love and who love me in turn. I still struggle with going ‘round and ‘round the mind-torturing loops I mentioned above. I still struggle with turning my mind to things that not only do I control, but things that bring me comfort, enjoyment, and safety.

Being able to shed an illusion of control is being able to shed an illusion of the burden of blame.

I don’t know if this will help anyone else, but this has certainly helped me. I’m still hurt by a lot of things and I think I always will be, but starting to understand when I need to let go of control/believing I can control things helps me breathe so, so much easier.

amarie24: (Tudor Princess)
See, every time late May comes around...

I know at worst it’s corporate predation and at best it’s corporate cynical performance of allyship/activism to snag the queer dollar, but...

Come every late May when I see the rainbow colors of Pride come out over stores’ banners online and stores’ displays right inside their front windows where everyone can see and stores’ displays inside the store where it’s easily seen and accessible by everyone, instead of shamefully tucked into a back corner...

When I see that, there’s a happy whisper in my mind.

It’s still a whispered secret for me that I am bisexual-in real life, I have still not come out to anyone. I am content with that for now. I don’t see that contentment changing any time in the near future. But I was 25 when I quietly, definitively said to myself that I am bisexual. I was 28 when I came out only online, first to a slew of fellow, older LGBT friends that I implicitly trusted and then later on openly on my blog as a Christmas present to myself.

I carry a quiet love and pride of my bisexuality. And so when I see the Pride colors, that happy whisper in my mind goes, “That’s you, kid. Those colors mean you. You’re a colorful person and those colors belong to you, too.”

“You made it another year, kid. Happy birthday to learning yet another beautiful part of you.”
amarie24: (Surprised Tiana)
Goodnight my Loves, says the Bat (19796 words) by AmarieMelody
Chapters: 2/?
Fandom: Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Cassandra Cain, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Talia al Ghul, Leslie Thompkins
Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Angst, Humor, SO MUCH HUMOR, Daddy!Bruce, daddy!Bats, Mentions of child abuse & neglect (mostly w/Cass and Jason), Batfamily fanfic

The various reasons Bruce's children choose to sleep in the bed with their father.

Over the years, over the ages the reasons vary with each child...and Bruce has accommodated each & every one.

Hurt/comfort, fluff, with dashes of humor.

Whew...this was...done for a lot, lot longer than I knew, y'know? Can't believe it!
amarie24: (Default)
(Posted this on my Tumblr a few days ago. I've really, really gotten into the new Disney movie Encanto!)

As much as it’s an absolute bop, I think the song “We Don’t Talk About Bruno” in the movie Encanto carries a symbolic choice in its wording that goes beyond its catchiness.

Even before you learn the full situation of Bruno’s absence from the family, you get half the picture thru the song: Bruno’s power of clairvoyance was Inconvenient To The Family And Village, But Especially To Abuela Alma and so…he had to go.

It’s interesting that the song isn’t titled, say, “Where Is Bruno?” or “Don’t Come Back, Bruno” or even just “We Don’t Know Where Bruno Is”.

No, the song title is an assertion that the subject of Bruno is one we simply do not broach.

A huge, huge theme in Encanto is generational trauma. And one of the perpetual curses of generational trauma is We Don’t Talk About X. Sometimes X is something that hurts us (i.e, Bruno’s visions and other seemingly odd behaviors) and/or X is something that we did to hurt someone else (i.e, the family and village’s continual rejection and depreciation of Bruno to the point where he left and never came back).

Thus we get “We Don’t Talk About Bruno”.

The overall policy of not talking about…what needs to be talked about is often how generational trauma is not only created to begin with, but also how it is allowed to continue through new generation after generation with very little end in sight.

Not talking about things is often thought of as a way to not only avoid The Problem(s), but to deny there are The Problem(s). It’s almost a childish way of thinking that if we don’t acknowledge it then it doesn’t/can’t/won’t hurt and will somehow magically (haha) go away and stay away. And of course that never works; The Problem(s) must be dealt with or else The Problem(s) will deal with you.

And I’m not preaching from the pulpit about this-I’ve never even been to Colombia but like a lot of people I relate so much to Encanto because my family suffers from generational trauma too. Starting from my own mother (and her devil of a mother before her), there have been many things that are swept under the rug and quite a few have exploded until they needed to be dealt with…and sometimes it’s been too long that an apology/gradual change in behavior wasn’t fully enough to mend the “cracks” in our own casita, y’know?

The Problem doesn’t go away-it just festers and festers until it deals with you.

And The Problem not going away is amazingly symbolized in the song “We Don’t Talk About Bruno”. We see that, actually…Bruno truly hasn’t gone away. During Dolores’ dope ass verse, you can see his greenish shadow in the background on the balcony, not unlike as though he were a specter; in Camilo’s equally dope ass verse, Camilo still remembers enough about what his uncle looks like to transform into him (minus the exaggerated “7 foot frame”-he seems hardly taller than Mirabel herself); both Isabela and Dolores still remember positive prophecies from him, one about growth in power and one about future true love; so many of the villagers still remember much less positive prophecies from him; and his room is still present in the house, never mind that it’s off limits.

Not Talking About Bruno does not at all mean Bruno has gone away.

Even greater than what Bruno’s continued presence means, there’s also what his continued implicit absence means. Alongside her siblings and cousins, Mirabel has been deprived of having such a selfless, loving uncle in her life who, in leaving, did what he thought best to put her before himself even while knowing she’d never be aware of his sacrifice; Julieta and Pepa have been deprived of their only brother; and Abuela Alma has been deprived of her only son. That continued absence is yet another Problem.

Also not talking about Bruno is really not unlike how the family deals with Mirabel, whose continued visible presence with her ordinary lack of magical powers they cannot escape/erase. That is, the songwriters could easily write a song titled, “We Don’t Talk To Mirabel”.

From what I see, Abuela Alma certainly goes out of her way to not talk to Mirabel unless it’s within 1 of 3 contexts:

1. Why are you in my direct line of sight and, whatever reason you (quickly) give, wrap it up so that you’re properly out of my sight.

2. What are you doing and, whatever you (quickly) tell me you are doing, wrap it up so you’re not reminding me that you’re The Problem.

3.Please remember the best thing you can do for the family and specifically me is to Be Seen, Not Heard.

I and a whole lot of audience of course see this as insidiously but extremely cruel from Abuela Alma to her own flesh-and-blood granddaughter. In its insidiousness, in the narrative we also Don’t Talk About The Effects This Has On Mirabel, i.e, her terribly low self-esteem and high frustration/resentment; her trauma at the constant exclusion and depreciation; and her powerful, pressurizing need to prove herself worthy. To prove herself even present.

Now I will say that…I don’t feel like a whole lot of the family follows Abuela’s example on how to treat Mirabel. Certainly her parents protect and nurture their daughter as much as they can against their matriarch’s mistreatment of her. Her 3 cousins are certainly loving enough to her in my opinion, particularly Antonio (and I want to write a whole post on his representation sometime, too!), and you get the sense that if Luisa had more time she’d dote on and nurture her baby sister much, much more.

Isabela is the only one who seems to be the worst offender.For example, after it’s announced in the song that Mariano, Isabela’s betrothed, and his mother are on his way, Isabela sings an interesting line to Mirabel:

“Hey, sis, I want not a sound out of you”

…Which is pretty in line with Abuela Alma’s standard cruel treatment and policy with Mirabel: Be Seen, Not Heard And You Won’t Be The Problem.

(And on a side note, I’m 1000% of the mind that Mariano would be an excellent big brother-in-law and be so loving and nurturing to Mirabel. I don’t think he would’ve found her comparative ordinariness an issue at all.)

(Another, another side note: I’m also of the mind that Isabela’s initial copying of Abuela Alma’s treatment of Mirabel is a kind of rebound envy and resentment because while Mirabel can’t grab just some spotlight no matter how hard she tries, Isabela can’t ever get out of all the spotlight no matter how hard she tries. I think it’s inverse brands of spotlight pressures going in different directions with the resentments…well, going in the wrong directions.)

Going back to Bruno and the song title “We Don’t Talk About Bruno”, that curse of generational trauma doesn’t start to break itself until, well…we talk about Bruno. And there’s a short, but explicit line Camilo and Antonio in the song “All of You” that states as much:

“Okay, so we’re gonna talk about Bruno? (That’s Bruno)

Yeah, there’s a lot to say about Bruno

For sure there’s a lot of things to say about Bruno-and I love, love, love that Bruno is able to (re)claim in his agency in the narrative by being able to explain himself in his own verse right after the above one.

Not only are we going to talk about Bruno, but Bruno gets to be the one to talk.

And Mirabel gets talked to by Abuela Alma-she is finally afforded positive attention from and nurtured by her grandmother.

Now, I absolutely don’t think everything becomes and stays magically (haha) fine by the end of the movie. There’s a lot of work to do. Abuela Alma definitely has a long way to go in showing her apology to her family; she has a lot of nurturing and uplifting of Mirabel to make up for (the heavy lifting that Julieta does in lavishing her daughter in that kind of love…yeah-that); the rest of the magical family will still have their work cut out for them in un-internalizing that the extent of their worth stretches as far as their powers and their usefulness does; the rest of the family has a lot of catching up to do with Bruno; and the new, healthier home environment must be reinforced with little Antonio, the baby of the Madrigals.

But it’s that Talking About Things that were previously Not Talked About that starts the much healthier phenomenon of breaking the curse of generational trauma.

It’s so simple yet so profound. I just love it.
amarie24: (Celebrating Tiana)
I...hit the Big Three-Oh, my goodness!! I asked Silver if this means I can still have cupcakes and they say yes!

Here's to making it to yet another birthday and, best of all, a brand new decade!


(P.S. I think Mama is getting me a Mandalorian cake...oh my dear heavens...)
amarie24: (Default)

Ahh, it just makes everything better...

amarie24: (Celebrating Tiana)
The Rhodes-Stark Parent Trap (67774 words) by AmarieMelody
Chapters: 6/?
Fandom: Iron Man (Movies), Iron Man (Comic)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: James "Rhodey" Rhodes/Tony Stark
Characters: James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Tony Stark, Roberta Rhodes, Terrence Rhodes, Maria Stark, Justin Hammer, Jarvis (Iron Man movies), Pepper Potts, Sam Wilson, Misty Knight
Additional Tags: The Parent Trap AU, The Parent Trap done fucking right, like seriously, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Kidfic, Child death (but not really!), Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Angst, Humor

When Ayana Stark, a sweet princess of New York City, and Elena Rhodes, a carefree spirit of Calabasas, meet at summer camp they find out that they’re twins! But summer camp is to end soon and they want to see each other again and meet and bond with the other girl’s father.

Will the other girl’s father want and accept them? And can they put their heads together to delay the greedy, conniving Justin Hammer’s marriage to their Papa, Tony Stark, for as long as possible?

They’re up to their adorable cornrows and afros in schemes and tricks! Join them for an incredible adventure as they set off the Rhodes-Stark parent trap!

January 2025

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