An Open Source, community owned and governed, forever-free enterprise Linux distribution, focused on long-term stability, providing a robust production-grade platform. AlmaLinux OS is binary compatible with RHEL®.
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AlmaLinux OS is an open-source, community-driven Linux operating system that fills the gap left by the discontinuation of the CentOS Linux stable release. AlmaLinux OS is an Enterprise Linux distro, binary compatible with RHEL®, and guided and built by the community.
As a standalone, completely free OS, AlmaLinux OS enjoys $1M in annual sponsorship from CloudLinux Inc. and support from more than 25 other sponsors. Ongoing development efforts are governed by the members of the community.
AlmaLinux OS Foundation ir ASV reģistrēta, 501(c)(6) bezpeļņas organizācija, kas izveidota AlmaLinux OS kopienas organizācijai un kopienas interešu pārstāvībai.
AlmaLinux provides official images for cloud providers:
Amazon AWS
Generic Cloud
Google Cloud
Microsoft Azure
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
AlmaLinux provides official OCI, Docker and UBI compatible images.
Get Docker Image
Get OCI Image from
Get OCI Image from GitHub
AlmaLinux builds Live Media images for GNOME, GNOME Mini, KDE, XFCE and MATE options.
Get Live Media Image
AlmaLinux provides official images for Vagrant:
AlmaLinux images are available for Incus and LXC.
Get Incus and LXC Images
AlmaLinux builds Raspberry Pi images, and also with GNOME desktop environment.
Get Raspberry Pi Image
Run the AlmaLinux terminal environment on Windows.
Get AlmaLinux for WSL
AlmaLinux OS Foundation publishes Errata to help users to determine what updates such as security issues and fixed bugs are available and their importance based on analysis.
AlmaLinux OS provides SCAP and SCAP Workbench packages to audit your AlmaLinux system for security compliance alongside OVAL streams.
AlmaLinux OS has implemented SBOM into AlmaLinux Build System to make the build process more secure and possible to trace.
AlmaLinux OS provides a set of security features: Errata, GPG keys, Mailing Lists, OpenSCAP, OVAL, SBOM, and Secure Boot- read more.
AlmaLinux OS ir augsta līmeņa servera operētājsistēma un stabila Linux distribūcija ar regulāriem atjauninājumiem un ilgu atbalsta intervālu.Jūs varat paļauties uz AlmaLinux OS visa veida kritiskas infrastruktūras uzturēšanai.
AlmaLinux OS Foundation dalībnieki, sponsori un partneri atbalsta AlmaLinux OS ar investīcijām un ilgām atbalsta saistībām, lai nodrošinātu AlmaLinux OS distribūcijas pieejamību bez ierobežojumiem, nodevām un maksas.
Switching distributions is usually costly and time-consuming, but that's not the case when switching from CentOS and other RHEL® derivatives to AlmaLinux OS. Switching is easy - read how.
Minimize your risk while getting the most out of your AlmaLinux systems
Platinum Sponsor
Cybertrust Japan is a provider of a comprehensive security certification services to various public and private entities globally, and offers comprehensive support for AlmaLinux users. Have also produced MIRACLE LINUX for nearly 20 years.
Platinum Sponsor, Founder
TuxCare, a division of CloudLinux Inc., the founding sponsor of the AlmaLinux OS Project, provides tailored support for projects of any complexity. Enhance the performance, security, and reliability of your workloads with extended updates, seamless FIPS compliance, and flexible pay-as-you-go technical support bundles.
One of the most significant features of AlmaLinux is its binary compatibility with Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). This compatibility ensures that software developed and tested on RHEL can be easily deployed on AlmaLinux without modifications, making it an attractive choice for businesses seeking a seamless migration path.
Despite Red Hat’s actions, it appears at least one of the RHEL clones is thriving and showing how open source can deal with similar threats.
Joe Brockmeier, an open-source community expert, and former Red Hatter, appreciates what AlmaLinux is doing. 'The AlmaLinux community has chosen to be the friendly fork.'
AlmaLinux announced that the distro’s latest and greatest, AlmaLinux 9.2, now has FIPS 140-3 certification, which means it has passed the Federal Information Processing Standard’s latest benchmark for validating the effectiveness of cryptographic hardware.
AlmaLinux was one of the first such alternatives, and it has quickly risen to the top of the heap.
AlmaLinux very quickly became the CentOS replacement to beat. 48 hours after Red Hat released version 8.5 of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), the developers released version 8.5 of AlmaLinux.