Contest / Echo Verse(5000 Points!)

Edit: Please read carefully!! You will be asked to edit! The LAST word of one line should match the LAST word of the next. Not trying to be obnoxious with the caps lock lol just trying to emphasize the part people seem to be missing.*

I have a challenge for you!

I wrote a poem where, aside from the first and last lines, each END word is repeated as the END word in the next line. I love the rhythm it gave to my piece, I’d love to see what you all can come up with!

Here’s my piece as an example:

• • •

Global Ignorance

Picked apart by jagged nails
anxiously ripped from wrinkled skin

broken teeth and blemished skin
keep most from asking how I’ve been

I’ve been
a person I don’t recognize
I recognize
I’m me
but I’m the me
that hadn’t fallen yet
I’m 2017, yet
if I let my glazed eyes focus
they will focus
on the end

the world is ending
humans had the tools and chance to rise, extend
future existence, we extended
our destructiveness instead

of planning
for our children, we just plan
on being dead

• • •

Write a piece in this style, using each end word twice. The first and last line may stand alone, and the tense of the word may be changed.
No length or topic restrictions, be creative!

Please message me or comment with any questions, I will remove those that don’t fit the requirements.
Have fun!

*I’m sure this form of poetry already exists, I’m not that original lol but I’ve personally never seen it before, so if someone knows the name please let me know! I’d love to give credit, I’m just unsure to whom.*
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This contest is awaiting judgement

It closed on Jan 13 2025 12:00 AM PST.  


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