Meet Aliza Sherman…
Aliza Sherman is a web and social media pioneer, founder of Cybergrrl and Webgrrls International, author of 12 books, and keynote speaker. Aliza has worked as a digital marketing strategist since 1992. Yes, right before the web was invented by Tim Berners-Lee! [See Wikipedia]
Aliza is the Original Cybergrrl. In 1995, she started Cybergrrl, Inc. and Webgrrls International, the first women-owned, full-service Internet company and the first Internet networking organization for women, respectively. Over the years, she has spoken around the world about Women and the Internet, Nonprofits and Technology, Social Media and Mobile Marketing, Tech Wellness, and the Future of Tech. She is well known for her focus on women’s issues related to technology, business, entrepreneurship, and wellness.
Her most recent books include Cannabis and CBD for Health and Wellness, The Happy, Healthy Nonprofit, Social Media Engagement for Dummies, The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Crowdsourcing and Mom, Incorporated.
Hire Aliza for inspiring keynotes, interactive workshops, strategic digital marketing consulting and cross-platform content development including live webinar hosting, copywriting, audio production and voice, and video production, event emceeing and front-of-camera work.
Aliza specializes in marketing strategy, content development, and ideation.