Kitasumi High is a school in Kawasaki, Kanagawa Prefecture, where Taro Kabachi, Manabu Konishi and Shingo Katori plays. The team is mostly comprised of players who are in their first and second years of High School. Since Taro's enrollment their basketball club has gained some recognition in the Kanto region. Their team was able to advance in the semi-finals of the Inter-High Tournament (Kanagawa), where they lost to Yokohama Taiei High.
Tarou Kabachi - the ace of Kitasumi High. He plays the position of small forward and is about 5' 10" cm tall. His jersey number is 7.
Manabu Konishi - first year center of Kitasumi High. He is about 6' 5" cm and his jersey number is 14.
Shingo Katori - second year point guard of Kitasumi High. He is about 5' 9" cm and his jersey number 5.
Tachibana - second year shooting guard of Kitasumi High. He is about 5' 11" cm and his jersey number is 6.
Hasebe - second year power forward of Kitasumi High. He is about 5' 10" cm and his jersey number is 10.
Koga - the head coach of Kitasumi High Basketball Club