The Agile Modeling (AM) Method

Acceptance Tests as Requirements Artifacts: An Agile Introduction

Acceptance tests (also called Customer tests or Customer Acceptance Tests) describe black-box requirements, identified by your stakeholders, which your system must conform to. In traditional software development acceptance tests are typically thought of as testing artifacts, which they are, but when you step back and think about it acceptance tests really are first class requirements artifacts because they describe the criteria by which stakeholders will determine whether the system meets their needs. In short, they’re executable specifications. Business rulesfeaturestechnical (non-functional) requirements, and even detailed usage requirements can easily be captured as acceptance tests. Mike Cohn likes to call acceptance tests “conditions of satisfaction”. Ron Jeffries measures progress via the Tested Feature Metric, and the only way you can capture this metric is by having an acceptance regression test suite.Figure 1 and Figure 2 each depict acceptance test descriptions (both test descriptions are shortened for the sake of brevity, both would need to be expanded with more steps, and/or support by other test cases, to truly validate the functionality described). As you’d expect, each test has instructions for setting up and then running it. Additionally, a description, test ID (optional), and expected results are also indicated. In the case of Figure 2, the definition of a “standard wildcard search” would appear in your organizations user interface guidelines (remember, follow the practice Apply Modeling Standards).
Figure 1. Acceptance test for validating a business rule.
ID T0014
Description Checking accounts have an overdraft limit of $500. As long as there are sufficient funds (e.g. -$500 or greater) within a checking account after a withdrawal has been made the withdrawal will be allowed.
  1. Create account 12345 with an initial balance of $50
  2. Create account 67890 with an initial balance of $0
  1. Withdraw $200 from account #12345
  2. Withdraw $350 from account #67890
  3. Deposit $100 into account #12345
  4. Withdraw $200 from account #67890
  5. Deposit $50 into account #67890
  6. Withdraw $150 from account #67890
  7. Deposit $50 into account #67890
  8. Withdraw $200 from account #12345
  9. Withdraw $100 from account #67890
Expected Results Account #12345:
  • Ending balance = -$250
  • $200 Withdrawal transaction posted against it
  • $100 Deposit transaction posted against it
  • $200 Withdrawal transaction posted against it

Account #67890:

Ending balance = -$450

  • $350 Withdrawal transaction posted against it
  • $150 Withdrawal transaction posted against it
  • $50 Deposit transaction posted against it
  • $50 Deposit transaction posted against it

Errors logged:

  • Insufficient funds in Account #67890 (balance -$350) for $200 Withdrawal
  • Insufficient funds in Account #67890 (balance -$450) for $100 Withdrawal


Figure 2. Acceptance test for validating part of a user interface.

ID T0015
Description The customer search screen allows user to perform standard wildcard searches on first and last name.
Set Up
  1. Remove all customer records from the database.
  2. Add the following customers:
  • John Smith
  • James Doe
  • Robin Saunders
  • Jim Saunders
  • Sally Smith
  • Scott Davidson
  • Beverley Williams
  • Bob Roberts
  • Rob Williams
  • Robert Smithers
  • Bobby Snookerby
  • Sandy Davington
  • Janice Sinters
  1. Display the Customer search screen.
  2. In the First Name entry field, enter “%ob*”
  3. In the Last Name entry field, enter “S*”
  4. Press the search button.
Expected Results The following names should be displayed in the search result box:
  • Robin Saunders
  • Robert Smithers
  • Bobby Snookerby

Acceptance tests should be fully automated so that you can run them as part of your application’s regression test suite. Why is it important to recognize that acceptance tests are first-class requirements artifacts? Because if you follow the single source information practice and capture requirements once, as acceptance test, instead of twice (as some other requirements artifact and as acceptance tests) you can dramatically reduce your traceability needs on your project. Furthermore, your acceptance/customer tests are effectively executable specifications, providing value both in the form of detailed specifications and as tests which validate whether your software conforms to those specifications.