Private Tutoring Program for Beginners
This Program was designed to help individuals who are interested in becoming a professional butterfly farmer to improve their chance of success through mentoring from established butterfly farmers. The student must apply for the program and their application will be reviewed for acceptance. Students must be a Professional Member before applying for the program.
Program Highlights:
o Mentoring from a established farmer for one year from acceptance into the program.
o Eligible to receive free Painted Lady caterpillars to get started. (Student must pay shipping.)
o Access to online courses at discounted fees.
*Student is required to take the Advanced Disease Course in Lepidoptera (free with Professional Membership)
Your mentor is eager to help you succeed as a butterfly farmer. Please keep in mind that they are a full time farmer with many daily responsibilities that results in a limited amount of time.
Once your mentor has been established they will let you know if they prefer to be contacted via email or phone. Please keep contact to three times per week. Prior to making contact, make a list of questions you wish to discuss to help facilitate and make the most of your time.
Misuse of this privilege will be to reason remove you from the Private Tutoring Program for Beginners . AFB reserves the right to alter or discontinue this program as needed.