

If you're looking for (free) support, please don't contact me directly. Ask in public on a community resource. For Django, see Getting Help FAQ and the forum. If you think I’m particularly well equipped to answer your question, you can send me a link to your public post, but I make no promises about replying.


If you spot a minor typo that does not affect comprehension, please do not tell me. I add deliberate mistakes to liberate myself frm perfectionism. But please do tell me about anything that is actually wrong.

Job Opportunities

If you’re contacting me to ask about job opportunities for yourself, I probably cannot help you directly.

Try contacting the UK-based Foxley Talent, who have helped a lot of folks in the Django community.

Otherwise, here are some job sites which have Django positions:

…and there are many more job sites out there if you give it a quick search.


EmailEmail: [email protected] - my preferred contact method.
OctopusGitHub: @adamchainz
ElephantMastodon: @[email protected]