Link tags: touchscreen



Turning a MacBook into a Touchscreen with $1 of Hardware · cat /var/log/life

Well now, this is a clever bit of hardware hacking.

Surfaces viewed from an angle tend to look shiny, and you can tell if a finger is touching the surface by checking if it’s touching its own reflection.

YouTube - A Day Made of Glass… Made possible by Corning.

There are two things I’d like to see after watching this video:

  1. A slew of parodies to highlight the unintended consequences of this marketeer’s panopticon,
  2. The Paleofuture blog post in 100 years looking back at this.
A Day Made of Glass... Made possible by Corning. (2011)

Non Hover | Trent Walton

A timely reminder: don't hide information behind mouseover events.

My first experience using an accessible touch screen device « Marco’s accessibility blog

A hands-on account of the new accessibility features in the iPhone. Sounds like a great experience.

BBC NEWS | Programmes | Click | Stevie Wonder interview

Stevie Wonder talks about assistive technology. I think this finally proves that yes, accessibility *is* sexy!