Link tags: quiz



Antidepressants or Tolkien

This is harder than it sounds. I got 19 out of 24.

Fictional Band Trivia | Rob Weychert

Okay, so I didn’t get many of the answers, but nonetheless these are excellent questions!

(Ah, how I long for the day when we can once more engage in quizzo and picklebacks at National Mechanics.)

The CSS Cascade

This is a wonderful interactive explanation of the way CSS hierarchy works—beautiful!

do you know your tags?

Test your knowledge of the original version of HTML—how many elements can you name?

CSS-only multiple choice quizzing - Matthew Somerville

In which Matthew disects a multiple choice quiz that uses CSS to do some clever logic, using the :checked pseudo-class and counter-increment.

Oh, and this is how he realised it wasn’t using JavaScript:

I have JavaScript disabled on my phone because a) it cuts out most of the ads, b) it cuts out lots of bandwidth and I have a limited data plan, and c) my battery lasts longer because it’s not processing tons of code to show me some text (cough, Medium).

Am I a Real Developer?

A Voight-Kampff machine for uncovering infiltrators in the ranks.

The Not Quiz – Test your celebrity, music and film knowledge

This is really good fun! And thanks to service workers, it works offline too.

The rounds are:

  • Dead or Not Dead,
  • Number 1 or Not Number 1, and
  • Oscar or Not Oscar.

Request Quest

A terrific quiz about browser performance from Jake. I had the pleasure of watching him present this in a bar in Amsterdam—he was like a circus carny hoodwinking the assembled geeks.

I guarantee you won’t get all of this right, and that’s a good thing: you’ll learn something. If you do get them all right, either you are Jake or you are very, very sad.

Your Startup is Doomed « Tom Scott

The truth about startups. Got a startup? Take the quiz. It’s harsh but fair.

Cheese or Font

Clearly my knowledge of cheese and fonts is way worse than I realised.

Famous Objects from Classic Movies

Match the MacGuffin to the movie. Like Hangman for films.

You what? Youtube comments quiz | Monkeon | Web Design Leeds

This little quiz is surprisingly addictive: match the inane comment to the YouTube video.