Link tags: player



Introducing Enhance Music — Begin Blog

I also think the number of situations in which an SPA architecture can be recommended is dwindling, chiefly due to how good the web platform has become (and how much better it’s getting every day). And because so much of the rest of the ‘struggle stack’ (transpilers, unique dialects, etc.) was built to get around gaps in the web platform that no longer exist, the use cases for these tools is dwindling in tandem.

This is good news: not only can we avoid piling up transient knowledge about a seemingly endless stream of dependencies, we can also eject from the routine stress of those dependencies changing or breaking under our feet and throwing wrenches into our workflows — all while delivering more robust and performant websites to end users.

Words To Avoid in Educational Writing | CSS-Tricks

This old article from Chris is evergreen. There’s been some recent discussion of calling these words “downplayers”, which I kind of like. Whatever they are, try not to use them in documentation.

The Bit Player

Ooh! A documentary on Claude Shannon—exciting!

I just finished reading A Mind At Play, the (very good) biography of Claude Shannon, so this film feels very timely.

Mixing contemporary interviews, archival film, animation and dialogue drawn from interviews conducted with Shannon himself, The Bit Player tells the story of an overlooked genius who revolutionized the world, but never lost his childlike curiosity.

Very Slow Movie Player on Vimeo

I love this use of e-ink to play a film at 24 frames per day instead of 24 frames per minute.


A fun little multiplayer game, all possible in the browser thanks to web sockets.

Demo jPlayer 1.1.0 : jQuery audio player plugin

A nice-looking jQuery plugin for HTML5's audio element, with fallback to a Flash player. I might just end up using this on Huffduffer.


An experimental prototype that tracks the online buzz around BBC programmes (before they disappear down the memory hole of the iPlayer's time-restricted playback).

Welcome | The Signtific Lab | Massively Multiplayer Thought Experiments

An even more speculative version of The Long Bet. Given a supposition (e.g. "What will the world be like when custom satellites are as easy to design and launch as your own website is today?"), you can add to a list of positive and negative outcomes.

Don't Give Your Account Passwords Away, a Mission on PMOG

A PMOG mission where players learn about the password anti-pattern.

Ethan Hein | Player1Ready

Judging from the research information collected on Delicious, Flickr and, this book proposal—tying together informatics, music and games—could blossom into a great read.