
Five lovely monospaced variable fonts.


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Citywide – Jason Santa Maria

A fun new font from Jason:

Citywide is a sans serif family inspired by mid-1900s bus and train destination roll signs.

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Introducing TODS – a typographic and OpenType default stylesheet | Clagnut by Richard Rutter

This is a very handy piece of work by Rich:

The idea is to set sensible typographic defaults for use on prose (a column of text), making particular use of the font features provided by OpenType. The main principle is that it can be used as starting point for all projects, so doesn’t include design-specific aspects such as font choice, type scale or layout (including how you might like to set the line-length).

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The Beatrice Warde Memorial Lecture - St Bride Foundation

Oh, this looks like an excellent event (in London and online):

Adventures in Episodic Type Design

With David Jonathan Ross

Thursday 17th October 2024

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A fun variable font with three axes: inktrap, balloon, and curve.

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Modern Font Stacks

This is handy—a collection of font stacks using system fonts. You can see which ones are currently installed on your machine too.

The most performant web font is no web font.

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