I spoke at the DIBI conference back in June. It was a really good event, despite its annoying two-track format.
My talk was entitled One Web:
The range of devices accessing the web is increasing. We are faced with a choice in how we deal with this diversity. We can either fracture the web by designing a multitude of device-specific silos, or we can embrace the flexibility of the web and create experiences that can adapt to any device or browser.
The video has been online for a while now and I finally got ‘round to getting it transcribed. You can pop on over to the articles section and read One Web. I should really re-name that section of my site: “articles” isn’t the most accurate label for a lot of the stuff there.
If you prefer listening to reading, the audio is available for your huffduffing pleasure.
I also put the slides on Speakerdeck so you play along with the presentation.
I reprised this talk in Italy recently at the From The Front gathering. The audio from that is also online if you want to compare and contrast.