
The ACSC is an open CTF (Capture The Flag) competition specifically for individuals under 26 in the Asian region. It also serves to select top players from member countries of the ACSC to form Team Asia, which will participate in the ICC (International Cybersecurity Challenge). The ACSC is not only an open competition but also aims to foster interaction and develop the skills of young people in Asia, providing an opportunity to nurture talented individuals who can compete on the global stage.

ACSC 2024

  • Date & Time
    • March 30th 12:00 noon – 31st noon, 2024 (UTC+9)
  • CTF Style
    • Jeopardy-style (Individual Competition @ Online)

Rules / Prohibitions

Please read rules and prohibitions before registering as a user.


  • This is an individual competition. As noted in prohibitions, by no means players are allowed to communicate and cooperate with each other.
  • The flag format is ACSC{something}, unless otherwise specified.
  • Players need to submit a flag to the score server in order to get points.
  • The scoring system is static. That means every problem has a predefined point value. Also, there are no breakthrough(first blood) points awarded to the first solvers.
  • A player that has more points, ranks higher. If some players have the same points, the player that has made the last submission of a valid flag earlier, ranks higher among them.
  • For verification, the organizers may ask the top players to submit a brief writeup after the contest is over.
  • If there arise situations which are not covered by these rules, the organizers may make decisions on them as needed. The decisions made are absolute.


If you break the following prohibitions, you will be disqualified and banned.

  • Players must not share flags or solutions with each other.
  • Players must not attack/obstruct other players.
  • Players must not attack the contest infrastracture other than the servers explicitly allowed to do so in problems. Also, players must not try brute-force attacks even to the allowed servers.

Finalist Selection

A player is eligible to be selected as one of the Asian representative players if and only if he or she meets the following conditions:

  • A player lives in the member countries of the ACSC Steering Committee.
  • A player has the nationality in the member countries.
  • A Player is under 26 years of age (25 years or younger as of January 1st, 2024 in “international age”. Born on or after 01.01.1998)

After the contest is over, the ACSC committee will select the fifteen Asian representative players (and two substitutes) according to the result of the contest and the following procedure:

<Finalist Selection Rules>

  1. Select the top three players based on the overall score.
  2. Select the best player from each of the five categories (pwn, rev, web, crypto, hardware).
  • If a player selected under rule 1 is the top player in any category, proceed to select the next highest-ranked player in that category instead.
  • Fill any remaining slots according to the overall score rankings.
    • Our selection process aims to consider diversity in challenge categories, countries, and genders, incorporating these factors naturally without explicit prioritization.

    If a player who is to be selected is unable to participate in ICC for some reason, we will resume this procedure from the next player until we have fifteen (+2 substitutes) selected players who can actually participate in ICC.



    • Can I participate and play ACSC, even if I am not eligible as a finalist?
      • Yes. You can participate and play ACSC even you are not eligible as a finalist. ACSC is an open CTF for anybody.
    • Do I need to pay for travel expenses to compete in ICC?
      • No. Travel and accommodation expenses for Asian final team members to participate in ICC will be provided by the supporting organization in each ACSC Steering Committee member country.

    Privacy Policy

    The ACSC Steering Committee will process your information as described in the Privacy Policy. By registering as a user, you agree to follow the rules of the ACSC CTF and our Privacy Policy.

    Social Media

    Follow us on social media and catch up latest information.

    Twitter - @acsc_asia