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The Russian Decoder performs the conversion of the Russian characters between different encodings. This tool allows users to convert incorrectly displayed Russian characters into readable Russian text.


The decoder identifies the encoding of a Russian text, and converts it, if needed, into a standard Cyrillic Windows encoding using sophisticated parsing algorithms.  The online decoder is compatible with most popular browsers.

To convert an unreadable Russian text into a readable format, enter text into the Decoder original text window and press the button Decode. The converted text will be displayed in the Decoded text window.

The Russian Decoder includes the transliteration module, which converts standard Russian characters into Latin characters (transliterate).


The transliteration module uses a conversion table especially adapted for the translation needs. The transliteration table is located on the server and is automatically updated when needed.

To translate your message from any language into Russian and send it out in a transliterated form, check mark the option “translit” on the ImTranslator panel. During the translation your text will be converted into a transliterated form.

Russian Decoder Video Tutorial

Russian Decoder

If you get an unreadable Russian email or text, use the Russian Decoder to convert the text into a standard Cyrillic characters set. You will be able to read and translate Russian text without any problem.

Russian Transliteration

Use the transliteration option to convert the Russian text into Latin characters (transliterate). The original text will be translated into Russian and immediately converted into the Latin characters to read it phonetically.