
Few things vanish so completely as to leave no trace of themselves. In the Residue folio, a collection of essay, memoir, poetry and prose take a look at these remnants—the unwanted, the dregs, or simply the unerasable.

Animals are strangely perceptive—in their instinct to survive, they find a home

Nobody can stop things if they want to go back to their roots.

The Debt of Fish and Ant
By The Transpacific Literary Project

When the tide rises, it is easy for the fish to prey on the ant, but when it ebbs, the fish becomes the ant’s prey.

Koh Su
By Puthut EA

All my early life was tied up in tales of nasi goreng.

The Experiment of the Tropics
By Lawrence Lacambra Ypil

That American thing · The good old good

Suppressed sexual violence in the name of revolution lay in the abyss of our consciousness.

Funny how it ends up that you’re the leftovers.

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