GenJord is a development and a networking process aiming to incorporate sustainability into the ceramic profession through an experimental, explorative, and analytical research approach intended ultimately to pave the way for new methods and aesthetic works. The results must be of immediate practical use for participating ceramicists in their practice and the knowledge gained be shared with other ceramicists and teachers of ceramic art. The aim is to rethink a resource-intensive profession, making it more viable and sustainable in the future.

During the project phase, the following will be discussed and examined: how might clay supply be organised more sustainably? What effect will changes in firing methods have on climate footprint, artistic expression, and durability? Which work methods would require fewer resources? Which aesthetic considerations and qualities could be used to ensure a sustainable and durable ceramic production? How do we optimise and reuse ceramic waste? And how could our analyses ultimately be applied for teaching purposes and in ceramic practices in the future?

Danish ceramicists have been invited to participate in the project as co-creators. Networking and knowledge-sharing are intended to generate new opportunities to be taken up by ceramicists, teachers, and participants across the country.

The project was kickstarted by a joint workshop on 25 November 2023 with a presentation by Anne Louise Bang, PhD, textile designer, and researcher in sustainability and design at Via University College; Christina Schou Christensen, ceramicist and senior lecturer at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts; Ninna Gøtzsche, ceramicist, and Helle Bovbjerg, ceramicist and project manager of the GenJord project.

A number of issues were discussed at the workshop and several hypotheses were formulated. These are now being explored in various working groups.

The second workshop was held on the 8 June 2024 with a follow-up on preliminary results, plenary discussions, and talks by the visual artists Honey Biba Beckerlee and Linda Swanson. The working groups are now processing the knowledge gained within their focus areas.

Project results will be presented at a symposium on 2 November 2024 at CLAY Museum of Ceramic Art Denmark. It will be possible to explore an extensive ArtLab which will present interesting projects and new knowledge gained during the project period. On the day, experience and knowledge will be shared that artists can use in their own practices.

Project GenJord does not seek solutions; rather we focus on reflections and ideas that induce curiosity and exploration leading to new knowledge and new approaches to our line of work.

Online talks and debates

For the entire duration of the project, there will be online and physical talks available on our website (with English subtitles). We will be sharing relevant links and experience on this site, which will be currently updated, so enabling practitioners to use it as a bank of knowledge on sustainable ceramics.

The website is in Danish, but we are working to have it translated.

The project receives financial support from the Danish Arts Foundation, Projektstøtteudvalget for Kunsthåndværk og Design, Kulturministeriets udviklingspulje til lokal folkeoplysning, Oplysningsforbundenes Lokalforeningspulje, Aftenskolernes pulje til Grøn Omstilling, Aarhus City Council, and Dansk Oplysningsforbunds Initiativpulje.