A simple timer for HIIT exerciser.
- IOS native
- Browser (on any system)
- Android native
High-intensity interval training, or HIIT, is on the fast track to becoming the standard for steady and sustained fat loss. It's currently the most popular exercise of all kinds.
There are already 2 default plans existing in the app. You can add more plans to it at the 'Preset Page'.
For a specific plan, there are 4 main parts you need to fill out.
- Sets: How many sets you want to do for this exercise?
- Rest Time: The duration for you to take a break.
- Actions: How many actions you want in 1 set?
- Action Time: The duration for 1 action.
exercise flow:
start -> do action1 -> do action2,3,4... -> take a break ->
^ |
|------------------this is one set----------------<-
- Timing
- Notify user when every action/rest time up by sound and text
- Preset your plans
- Ionic 2 (Angular 2, Cordova)
- TypeScript (JavaScript, EcmaScript 6)
- Rxjs/Promise
install ionic and cordova to your local: http://ionicframework.com/docs/intro/installation/
npm install
ionic serve
please follow this instruction to install to ios: http://ionicframework.com/docs/intro/deploying/
4/3/2107 - v1.0.1: added DB, Observable
3/25/2107 - v1.0.0: first stable version w/o DB