- 🔭 I’m currently studing at NC State University
- 🌱 Contact INFO: Email: [email protected]
- 👯 Programming: C++, Python, R, Lisp
- 🤔 Operating System: Meta Scientific Linux
- 💬 Window Manager: DWM / I3WM
- 📫 Editor: Emacs , Neovim
- 😄 My Blog: yanboyang.com
- ⚡ Hobby: Ham Radio (KQ4KQQ/BH3EYI/VK2LBY)
- 19-04-2022 Getting Started Creating Arch Linux packages
- 22-03-2022 Models for Stationary Time Series
- 20-03-2022 Getting Started Custom Arch Linux Package Repository with GitHub
- 18-03-2022 Getting Started Magit on Doom Emacs
- 17-03-2022 Getting started with Simulation of Urban Mobility (SUMO)
- 15-03-2022 Analysis of Trends
- 15-03-2022 Time Series Analysis Basic Plots, Examples, and Fundamental Concepts
- 09-03-2022 Making Slideshows From Emacs Org Mode with org-reveal
- 06-03-2022 Arch Linux Unofficial user repositories
- 06-03-2022 Installing Wechat Desktop Client