pythoncode-tutorials Public
The Python Code Tutorials
ethical-hacking-tools-python Public
Python programs & tools built in the Ethical Hacking with Python EBook
Building and training Speech Emotion Recognizer that predicts human emotions using Python, Sci-kit learn and Keras
pdf-tools-python Public
PDF Manipulation Tools with Python Built in the Practical Python PDF Processing EBook
product_recommendation Public
A Web Application that Uses Customer's Emotion to Recommend Food
gender-recognition-by-voice Public
Building a Deep learning model that predicts the gender of a speaker using TensorFlow 2
price-prediction Public
Predicting different market prices using Deep Learning and Recurrent Neural Networks
Sentiment analyzer that predicts the review star ( from 0 to 5, continuously) of given food text review.
Detects Emotion in text.
awesome-algeria Public
Forked from algeriatech/awesome-algeriaA curated list of awesome things and projects built by Algerian developpers.
Implementing Naive Bayes Machine Learning algorithm to predict sentiment from reviews.
lp_simplex Public
Linear Programming Simplex Method
aind2-rnn Public
Forked from udacity/aind2-rnnProject materials for RNN segment of AIND nanodegree