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Releases: welaika/wordmove


14 Sep 07:47
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Bugfixes 🐛

  • #619 documentation and doctor were referring to a wrong key mu-plugins. Now it is fixed (thanks to @seanclen)


13 Dec 15:50
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New features 🆕

  • Updating the required Photocopier version, now Wordmove supports ed25519 ssh keys

Bugfixes 🐛

  • there was an error in Wordmove::Hook::Local and Wordmove::Hook::Remote in how the class' logger was defined.

Notes 📓

Due to a stupid error I immediately released 5.2.1 after 5.2.0. I'm sorry about that. This is why you won't find 5.2.0's relase notes.


16 May 19:22
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Hello everybody!

I'm particularly happy to announce this release, since it is 💯 % brought to you by contributors!

I'd really like to 👏 and 🙏 and 🎉 those really nice people for these...

Bug fixes

  • by @akiko-pusu #584 : solved a security related problem updating Wordmove from using Kernel#open to using File#Open (tech ref. here)

New features

  • by @korkey128k #595 : if you mispelled an environment name - wordmove pull -d -e productio anyone? - now you'll receive a really clear and polite error message instead of an exception with an ununderstandable error
  • by @maiorano84 #597 : the --path flag passed to wp-cli now has super powers! Wordmove will read it from your wp-cli.yml when present, otherwise it will set it to its own wordpress_path. This will enable you to easily manage exhotic scaffolds or practices. Any Bedrock user out there? Read more about the discussed features @ #590 and #591. And I'm really happy to thank @nlemoine too, for his terrific report and his contribution to the discussion. The documentation is updated to inform about the behaviour:

I'm totally thrilled by this participation ❤️

A hug 🤗 to all the community hard facing up to COVID-19 👾 . Be safe and keep it up. 💪


13 Dec 09:09
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  • This bugfix release fixes the bug #561 and introduces new tests checking the hooks execution order.

The new hook data structure introduced in was implemented with a main goal: having an arbitrary order on hooks. Due to a bug the code was anyway grouping the hooks by local/remote before the execution, thus breaking the expectation.


12 Dec 17:02
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  • Fix a bug (#569) causing Wordmove to break-up when using passwords containing regular expressions special characters. The bug was introduced in the new "hidden secrets" feature in the logger facility.
  • Refactored 1 test so that we no more need to have wp-cli installed on the CI


27 Nov 21:39
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Full commit history @ v4.0.1...v5.0.0

New major version, so prepare for the...

Breaking changes

New features

  • project dependencies updated! Yay!
  • wordmove's list command enters the show! #548 All of us have to thank @akiko-pusu for the excellent work! 👏
  • refactored the logger implementing "secrets filtering". Sensitive data will no more be logged on STDOUT. We had this need with some customers and moreover I don't want this project's issue tracker to become full of password and users 👾 Currently we mask the following data:
:database, :password
:database, :host
:ssh, :password
:ssh, :host
:ftp, :password
:ftp, :host
  • database adaptation ("search-and-replace") can now be done with the default wpcli adapter even if you're working outside the project directory. More @ #513 and all the applauses go to @tnzk 🎉 👏


  • a bug printing multiple time the Using Movefile: xyz should be fixed


With the help of @huraji we have discovered a voodoo-ish trick about how to push/pull only specific plugins and themes. If you're curious we have produced a little wiki page @ 👏

That's all folks 🐰


12 Apr 18:00
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  • 3e58577 Fix doctor's local schema validation

Thanks to @laposlaszlo and @nghh on issue #506 to have spotted this out


06 Jan 15:46
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Unfortunately this is a major version w/o a lot fun inside :) Anyway I thought about it and IMHO worth the major bump in order to raise your attention about why this release could break something.

The only and interested commit is

  • 252ec90 Hooks raise when their command exits with error

Follow the commit link to read full (?) explanation. But here it is the short one: if you relied on hooks chain in your movefile.yml having a hook exiting with error (a failing hook) before Wordmove just logged the fact and continued its work while now Wordmove logs the fact and exists throwing an exception (so w/ a non-zero exit code).

So as far as it is formally a backward compatible new behavior, we can't risk to let you update production environments or CI/CD servers without a little warning and attention.

The change is introduced because:

  • hooks should be more CD-oriented and so every step MUST be "green" before continue
  • this way you can rely more on the order relation between hooks (a must be completed successfully in order to run b; before it was not possible)
  • you can break long hooks like a && b && c into single, more readable hooks
    - 'a'
    - 'b'
    - 'c'

obtaining the same behavior as using bash's && operator.

  • if you have a lot of hooks or really verbose ones (webpack builds anyone?) now Wordmove will blow up and you certainly will notice the problem. He had a real life experience where we trashed half an hour of work and useless debugging before noticing webpack was no more compiling the production build correctly! 👿

What should I do if I'd like to have optionally failing hooks?

My advice is to wrap your maybe-fail hooks in little shell scripts and manage from there the return status (explicitly exit 0 at the bottom would be enough in most cases)

Future improvements

  • Support maybe fail hooks through configuration
  • do not blow up with stack trace, but rescue with an informational message and/or...
  • chat notifier on success/failure


04 Jan 16:05
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Full what changed report at v3.2.2...v3.2.3


  • removed the command escape for remote hooks' command, since it was causing problem with complex commands. See #492 and thanks to @Frieshansen de8eed2
  • adapt gzip options to Alpine Linux 93a0caa thanks to @cu39
  • Update README.mdown c4655ad thanks to @burhandodhy
  • Update bundler gem dependency. If you'll get errors about bundler you just need to update it one-time with gem install bundler

In the meantime me and all the developers at weLaika would love to

🎉 🆕 🗓 wish you a happy new year!!! 🎉 🆕 🗓


03 Aug 08:41
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