This project was aimed at handling of Real Time Tweet Streams using a Big Data Framework Kafka and database system MongoDB.Apache Kafka is a fast and scalable messaging queue, capable of handling heavy loads in context of read and write, i.e. IO-related, stuff. Apache Kafka requires a running ZooKeeper instance, which is used for reliable distributed coordination. MongoDB is a cross-platform document-oriented database program. Classified as a NoSQL database program, MongoDB uses JSON-like documents with optional schemas.
Before running the kafka tweet.ipynb file, you need to primarily generate tokens and secret keys in twitter and before running the kafka to mongo.ipynb, make sure zookeeper , kafka and mongoDB are running fine. For configuration and setting up of Kafka and Zookeeper on your machine, do check out .For setting up of MongoDB on your machine,check out .Open up the Mongo Shell to check out the database incoming from the tweet stream and you're good to go.