A unoffical rust wrapper for Hyprland's IPC
If something doesn't work, doesn't matter what, make sure you are on the latest commit of Hyprland before making an issue!
Lets get started with Hyprland-rs!
Add the code below to the dependencies section of your Cargo.toml file!
hyprland = "0.2.4"
This crate provides 3 modules (+1 for shared things)
for getting information on the compositorevent_listener
which provides the EventListener struct for listening for eventsdispatch
for calling dispatchers and changing keywords
here is an example of most of the provided features being utilized
use hyprland::data::blocking::get_monitors;
use hyprland::dispatch::{dispatch_blocking, Corner, DispatchType};
use hyprland::event_listener::EventListener;
fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
// We can call dispatchers with the dispatch function!
// Here we are telling hyprland to open kitty!
// Here we are moving the cursor to the top left corner!
// Here we change a keyword, yes its a dispatcher don't complain
// get all monitors
let monitors = get_monitors();
// and printing them all out!
// Create a event listener
let mut event_listener = EventListener::new();
// add event, yes functions and closures both work!
event_listener.add_workspace_change_handler(|id| println!("workspace changed to {id:#?}"));
// and execute the function
// here we are using the blocking variant
// but there is a async version too