bioinf-py illustrates Python programming through a series of examples from bioinformatics. The text takes a tour of Python loops, if-tests, functions, strings, lists, dictionaries, numpy arrays, random numbers, classes, and object-oriented programming.
The documentation is available in various formats:
The written material appears in Chapter 9 in the Springer book A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python.
BibTeX format:
title = {A Primer on Scientific Programming With {P}ython},
author = {H. P. Langtangen},
year = {2014},
publisher = {Springer},
edition = {Fourth},
title = {Illustrating {P}ython via Bioinformatics Examples},
author = {H. P. Langtangen},
url = {},
key = {Pysketcher},
note = {\url{}},
Publish format:
* books
** A Primer on Scientific Programming With {P}ython
key: Langtangen_2014
author: H. P. Langtangen
year: 2014
publisher: Springer
status: published
edition: Fourth
entrytype: book
* misc
** Illustrating {P}ython via Bioinformatics Examples
key: bioinfpy
author: H. P. Langtangen
status: published
sortkey: bioinfpy
note: \url{}