MacOS version able to offer GUI of application.
Initial version G-flash worked with 1.2 flashrom in 2021 so it would not cover all chip memories, it worked under MacOS 10.14 and above MacOS. An update to flashrom 1.4 was done by the creator on november 17th 2024 to update flasromm 1.4 version but it works only under MacOS 12.4 (see MacThings#1 ). It is still not clear how the conversion from is done by the creator inside the Xcode project to generate the lib files. However corrections in the Xcode project have been made here so flashrom 1.4 works with MacOS 10.14 (Xcode 11.3.1 has been used).
IMPORTANT: the G-flash application will work directly under Monterey (tested on two iMac) but under Mojave (tested on tow iMac and one MacBook Air), it requires to patch libusb and libftdi packages. The easiest way consists installing brew then install both libraries from Terminal:
xcode-select --install
curl -fsSL -o
brew install libusb
brew install libftdi