cpcc - Cross Platform C++ Classes
A set of cross platform classes and functions.
(c) StarMessage Software [http://www.StarMessageSoftware.com/cpcclibrary]
Project Objectives:
A small set of cross platform classes and functions that will allow the quick development of applications.
Designed for ease of use:
- Simply include the needed files in your project. No need to build the classes as a separate libraries (release + debug version) and then link the library with your code
- Self test routines on most units.
- Implemented in header-only files whenever possible.
Operating system compatibility:
Already tested under:
- Windows XP and later, 32 and 64 bit
- OSX 10.6+
Future compatibility:
Project status:
Classes in the current queue:
- [ok] portable fileSystem
- [ok] portable log file
- [ok] portable INI-like persistence class
- [ok] portable screensaver API class
- [ok] Listener pattern
- [ok] Gui drawing tools (HDC: Ok, NSView [Ok], NSImage [ ], NSBmpRepresentation [ ]
- [ok] portable window class with drawing tools
- [ok] portable image class with drawing tools
- [ok] Windows GDI helper class with common GDI drawing objects (Brush, HBITMAT, HFONT, etc).
- [ok] Cross platform (Windows, OSX) getComputerName() function
- [ ] Cross platform getComputerID function
- [ ] IOS compatibility