Recovery of 1967 code for doing fourier analysis.
A direct and computationally efficient method for computing discrete geodesics
Implementation of exact geodesic algorithms on 2-manifold triangular meshes.
Scalable Locally Injective Mappings using UltiMaille and Eigen
The Hungarian algorithm aims at solving an assignment problem.
berndporr / neato-xv11-lidar
Forked from ssloy/neato-xv11-lidarFitting the XV11 LIDAR on an Alphabot with a raspberry PI and a C++ class which does the acquisition and motor control.
Alternative software for the Mindcuber-style robots using the ev3dev OS.
Repository for the Tutorial Session
C++ compile-time Rust's like macro_rules implementation
LALR(1) parsing table generator (based on the Purple Dragon Book).
Floating point implementation of multiplication and addition for processor with variable mantissa adaptation.
A concise 2D implementation of Müller's interactive smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) paper in C++
Brandon Pelfrey's SPH fluid simulation tutorial
the best de-obfuscated version of Yusuke Endoh's "Most complex ASCII fluid" obfuscated C code competition 2012 entry
Tiny programs from various sources, for testing softcores
A small BASIC interpreter written in Python using SLY.
DO NOT FORK, CLICK ON "Use this template" - A github template to start a Python Project - this uses github actions to generate your project based on the template.
Compiler of a toy programming language developed for "Compilers" course using JFlex and JCup
Simple compiler front-end created with Coco/R Compiler Generator
Fully functional Compiler for a made up programming language called "L", to MIPS assembly.