I'm a computer enthusiast 💻. I love creating websites and I love to explore emerging web technologies. I'm skilled in the MERN stack. I've built some cool projects. Do check them out. Apart from coding, I love travelling and exploring new places and listening to music 🎵. I ♥️ talking about creative coding, so don't hesitate to reach out 😃
🔭 I’m currently pursuing Full Stack Web Development
👨💻 I’m currently learning React, Express, NodeJs, MongoDb at Masai School.
👨💻 All of my projects are available at Github and Portfolio
📄 Check out my Resume
💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on Projects
💬 Ask me about HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React.js
📫 How to reach me [email protected]
📫 Linkedin - sourav-paul-276ba323a
💪🏼 Future Goals: Learn more technologies - Never stop implementing new ideas.
⚡ Fun fact : The JavaScript programming language is unique in that it is not tied to any specific company or organization.